Stojko Stojkow

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Stojko Iwanow Stojkow (also written Stojko Ivanov Stojkov , Bulgarian Стойко Иванов Стойков ; born  October 26, 1912 in Sofia , Bulgaria ; †  December 9, 1969 ibid) was a Bulgarian linguist and the founder of Bulgarian dialectology .


Stojko Stojkow is a graduate of Slavic Philology at the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (1935). He then went to Prague , where he specialized in phonetics , dialectology and Slavic linguistics between 1937 and 1939 . In 1939 he was awarded a doctorate from Charles University in Prague . Until 1942 he worked as an assistant at the Institute for Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , between 1952 and 1969 as head of the section for Bulgarian dialectology with language atlas and between 1958 and 1969 as deputy director of the same institute.

Stojko Stojkow also worked at the University of Sofia, as an assistant (1943), associate professor (1947) and professor (1950-1969). He was dean of the new philological faculty (1953–1954, 1962–1966) and deputy rector of the same university (1958–1960). Stojko Stojkow was also chairman of the commission for phonetics and phonology at the International Slavic Committee (1968-1969) and secretary of the same committee (1959-1964).

Scientific activity

Stoykov's scientific activity was in the fields of Bulgarian dialectology, phonetics and lexicology . He was the author of the fundamental and so far only book on "Bulgarian Dialectology" (published in 1949, updated in 1962 and 1968, newer editions in 1993 and 2002). Other valuable contributions are the monographs "Die Banater Mundart" ("Банатският говор") (1967) and "Die Lexika der Banater Mundart" ("Лексиката на банатския говор") (1968) as well as the comparative study "Der Dialekt im Dorf Bulgaria) and in the village of Twarditsa ( Moldova ) "(1958). His study of the "colloquial language of Sofia students" ("Софийският ученически говор. Принос към българската социална диалектология", 1946) is of particular interest. Stojko Stojkow was co-author and editor of the "Atlas of Bulgarian Dialects" ("Български диалектен атлас", in four volumes 1964–1981).

The most important contributions of Stojkov to Bulgarian phonetics are his studies "The High Bulgarian Pronunciation" ("Български книжовен изговор", 1942) and "Introduction to Bulgarian Phonetics" ("Увод в българсета фон") updated several times.

As co-author of the "Orthographic and Orthoepic Handbook" ("Правописен и правоговорен наръчник", 1945, updated several times and reissued), of the "Bulgarian Language Dictionary" ("Бългаиски тълечн4 крски тълечн4 тлевен4 in 1994) and in 1994 one of the editors of the "Dictionary of Modern Bulgarian Literary Language" ("Речник на съвременния български книжовен език", 3 volumes 1955-1959) contributed Stojkow to the development of Bulgarian lexicography and lexicology . He also published several studies dealing with the literary works of writers and poets from the Bulgarian Revival period .

Works by and about Stojko Stojkow