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Temporal occurrence
372.2 to 358.9 million years
Arthropod (arthropoda)
Insects (Insecta)
Scientific name
Garrouste et al. , 2012

Strudiella devonica

Strudiella devonica is an arthropod from the Famennium (Upper Devonian) of Belgium, interpretedas a flying insect in its first description . In contrast to the oldest insect Rhyniognatha from the Pragium (Lower Devonian ), Strudiella has been preserved more completely. The interpretation as an insect is very controversial.


Strudiella had triangular mouthparts and two antennae on the head. The abdomen consisted of ten segments . Strudiella also had six legs, but this is what Hörnschemeyer et al. 2013 no. As with all insects, there were two large compound eyes on the head . However, since no fully grown animal ( imago ) was found, but only the nymph (youth stage), it is unclear whether Strudiella had wings.

As a nymph, Strudiella was eight millimeters long and 1.7 millimeters wide.

Way of life

Like dragonfly nymphs , Strudiella most likely lived in the water as a nymph. The streamlined body also suggests that Strudiella was a water dweller. Similar to dragonfly larvae, Strudiella will have eaten other small aquatic animals.


  1. Romain Garrouste, Gaël Clément, Patricia Nel, Michael S. Engel, Philippe Grandcolas, Cyrille D'Haese, Linda Lagebro, Julien Denayer, Pierre Gueriau, Patrick Lafaite, Sébastien Olive, Cyrille Prestianni & André Nel 2012: A complete insect from the Late Devonian period. Nature , 488: 82-85 doi : 10.1038 / nature11281
  2. Hörnschemeyer T., Haug JT, Béthoux O., Beutel RG, Charbonnier S., Hegna TA, Koch M., Rust J., Wedmann S., Bradler S. & Willmann R. 2013: Is Strudiella a Devonian insect? Nature 494: E3-E4.
  3. Garrouste R., Clément G., Nel P., Engel MS, Grandcolas P., d'Haese CA, Lagebro L., Denayer J., Guériau P., Lafaite P., Olive S., Prestianni C. & Nel A. 2013: Garrouste et al. reply. Nature 494: E4-E5.
  4. Refuted sensation: Alleged insect discovery turns out to be cancer . On Spiegel Online on February 22, 2013. Last accessed on February 22, 2013

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