Rafael Zornoza Boy

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Bishop Rafael Zornoza Boy.
Coat of arms of Rafael Zornoza Boy

Rafael Zornoza Boy (born July 31, 1949 in Madrid ) is Bishop of Cádiz y Ceuta .


Rafael Zornoza Boy was ordained a priest on March 19, 1975 . He was incardinated on July 23, 1991 in the clergy of the diocese of Getafe . Pope Benedict XVI appointed him on December 13, 2005 auxiliary bishop in Getafe and titular bishop of Mentesa .

The Bishop of Getafe, Joaquin Maria López de Andújar y Cánovas del Castillo , gave him episcopal ordination on February 5 of the following year ; Co- consecrators were Antonio María Cardinal Rouco Varela , Archbishop of Madrid , and Manuel Monteiro de Castro , Secretary of the Congregation for Bishops and the College of Cardinals .

As a motto he chose Muy gustosamente me gastaré y desgastaré hasta dar la vida por vosotros . On August 30, 2011 he was appointed Bishop of Cádiz y Ceuta .

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predecessor Office successor
Antonio Ceballos Atienza Bishop of Cádiz y Ceuta
since 2011