Student network

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Computer-based student networks in Germany mostly arose out of the need and the idea of ​​connecting student dormitories and thus students at German universities to the university networks and thus to the increasingly popular Internet in the emerging Internet age of the 1990s . In the early days, these data networks were mostly chaotic and privately organized (initially internal) networks with no central connection to other public networks.

Most networks were probably created using coaxial cables and similar methods stretched across the corridors and facades . However, many students later began to organize and, sometimes in association form or in working groups, approach their universities and institutes and suggest the concept for connecting the dormitories to their universities. Often with the help of sponsors and support from universities, the first structured networks were created, mostly on an Ethernet basis, which was quite inexpensive to acquire at the time. Fully switched network topologies , leased lines , glass fibers , laser connections , WLANs , radio connections , xDSL technologies and more followed later .

From the mid-1990s, there was a page AK-WaN on the Internet managed by Hans-Ulrich Kiel from the data center of the Clausthal University of Technology , on which many networks from the very beginning were entered with data and contact persons. A mailing list first existed in 1992 as dawin-l at the University of Münster and later as the student user group <ng-studis-l at> (NGS) hosted at the TU Kaiserslautern . The mailing list was closed towards the end of 2000 due to sparse usage and high SPAM content.

The dormitory network page was later taken over by the Chemnitzer Studentennetz (CSN) and maintained, a mailing list [email protected] was set up again, which is now moderated after the experience with the NGS list. In 2004 the CSN organized the first student network meeting (SNT), which took place parallel to the Chemnitz Linuxtag .

After the SNT 2005 in Ilmenau, the domain was registered and gradually expanded as a wiki to an overview page of all student computer networks in dormitories.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Report of the Independent Newspaper at the RUB (PDF; 158 kB) , p. 3 No. 9/1999
  2. News article about the DaWanda project ( Memento from August 18, 2005 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Student Network Meeting 2004
  4. Student Network Meeting 2005

Web links