Step prayer

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The step prayer (or relay prayer ) was the first part of Holy Mass after the entry in the Roman Catholic Church . With the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council , the rite in the forma ordinaria of the Roman rite was omitted , in the extraordinary form ( forma extraordinaria ) it is still practiced today. In Latin it is spoken half aloud, alternating between priest and acolyte , and in the Levite Office between priest, deacon and sub-deacon .

Procedure and structure

The term “step prayer” refers to the rite being performed in the middle in front of the steps of the altar , facing the altar . Clerics say the prayers standing, acolytes kneeling. In the chorale office , the choral schola sings the introitus at the same time as the graded prayer , while the congregation sang an opening hymn during the praying mass .

In the Missa lecta the priest wears the chalice covered with the chalice veil when entering the church . When he reaches the lowest step of the altar, he stops for a moment, hands the biret to the acolyte, bows or kneels and climbs the steps to place the chalice on the altar. Then he goes back down the steps and prays the step prayer. In the Missa solemnis the chalice is ready on the sideboard so that the priest does not have to take it with him when he enters and does not have to place it on the altar. Thus, at the end of the entry , priests and Levites stop at the lowest step to the altar, put down the biretta, bow or squat and begin the step prayer.

The sign of the cross is followed by a psalm ( Iudica me , Psalm 43  EU (42)), framed by the antiphon Introibo ad altare Dei ; the psalm is omitted in masses for the dead and in the Passion , but not the antiphon. This is followed by the mutual admission of guilt ( confiteor ), which is spoken in a stooped position. After the mutual request for forgiveness and a few verses ending with Dominus vobiscum , the priest comes to the altar with the prayer Aufer a nobis and kisses the altar. In the Missa solemnis there is now the incense of the altar. Then the priest opens the pre-mass by reciting the introit .

In other rites, such as the Dominican Rite, the Psalm Iudica me was dropped and the Confiteor had a different wording. In the diocese of Eichstätt , the diocesan saints Willibald and Walburga were added to the confiteor between the call to the apostles and “all saints”.


Latin German

Sacerdos: In nomine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Introibo ad altare Dei.

Priest: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will go to the altar of God.

Ministri: Ad Deum, qui laetificat juventutem meam.

Altar boy: To God who delights me from my youth.

Sacerdos: Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me.

Priest: Do justice to me, God, and lead my cause against an unholy people; save me from wicked, wrong people.

Ministri: Quia tu es, Deus, fortitudo mea; quare me repulisti, et quare tristis incedo, dum affligit me inimicus?

Altar boy: God, you are my strength. Why do you want to cast me out? What do I have to go sad because the enemy is harassing me?

Sacerdos: Emitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam: ipsa me deduxerunt, et adduxerunt in montem sanctum tuum et in tabernacula tua.

Priest: Send me your light and your truth that they lead me to your holy mountain and lead me into your tent.

Ministri: Et introibo ad altare Dei: ad Deum, qui laetificat juventutem meam.

Altar Servant: There I may go to the altar of God, to God, Who delights me from my youth.

Sacerdos: Confitebor tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus meus: quare tristis es, anima mea, et quare conturbas me?

Priest: Then I will praise you by playing the harp, God, my God. How can you still mourn, my soul, how torment me with grief?

Ministri: Spera in Deo, quoniam adhuc confitebor illi: salutare vultus mei, et Deus meus.

Altar boy: Trust in God, I may praise Him again; He remains my Savior and my God.

Sacerdos: Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.

Priest: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Ministri: Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper: et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Acolyte: As it was in the beginning, so also now and always and forever. Amen.

Sacerdos: Introibo ad altare Dei.

Priest: I will go to the altar of God.

Ministri: Ad Deum, qui laetificat juventutem meam.

Altar boy: To God, Who delights me from my youth.

Sacerdos: Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.

Priest: Our help is in the name of the Lord.

Ministri: Qui fecit caelum et terram.

Altar boy: who created heaven and earth.

Sacerdos: Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et vobis fratres: quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere: mea culpa mea maxima culpa, mea culpa .
Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes Sanctos, et vos, fratres, orare pro me ad Dominum, Deum nostrum.

Priest: I confess to God Almighty, the blessed, always pure Virgin Mary, Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, all the saints and you, brothers, that I have sinned much in thoughts and words and works: through my fault, through my fault, through my excessive debt.
That is why I ask the blessed, always pure Virgin Mary, the holy Archangel Michael, the holy John the Baptist, the holy apostles Peter and Paul, all the saints and you, brothers, to pray for me to God our Lord.

Ministri: Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis tuis, perducat te ad vitam aeternam.

Altar boy: Almighty God have mercy on you. He will give up your sins and lead you to eternal life.

Sacerdos: Amen.

Priest: Amen.

Ministri: Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et tibi pater: quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere: mea culpa, meaima culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa .
Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes Sanctos, et te, pater, orare pro me ad Dominum, Deum nostrum.

Altar boy: I confess to God Almighty, the blessed, always pure Virgin Mary, St. Michael the Archangel, St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, all the saints and you, Father, that I have sinned much in thoughts and words and works: through my fault, through my fault, through my excessive debt.
That is why I ask the blessed, always pure Virgin Mary, the holy Archangel Michael, the holy John the Baptist, the holy apostles Peter and Paul, all the saints and you, Father, to pray for me to God our Lord.

Sacerdos: Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad vitam aeternam.

Priest: May Almighty God have mercy on you. He will leave your sins behind and lead you to eternal life.

Ministri: Amen.

Altar boy: Amen.

Sacerdos: Indulgentiam, absolutionem et remissionem peccatorum nostrorum tribuat nobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus.

Priests: May the Almighty and Merciful Lord give us the inheritance, forgiveness and forgiveness of our sins.

Ministri: Amen.

Altar boy: Amen.

Sacerdos: Deus, tu conversus vivificabis nos.

Priest: God, turn to us and give us new life.

Ministri: Et plebs tua laetabitur in te.

Altar boy: Then your people will rejoice in you.

Sacerdos: Ostend nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam.

Priest: Show us your grace, Lord.

Ministri: Et salutare tuum da nobis.

Altar boy: And give us your salvation.

Sacerdos: Domine, exaudi orationem meam.

Priest: Lord, answer my prayer.

Ministri: Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

Altar boy: And let my call come to you.

Sacerdos: Dominus vobiscum.

Priest: The Lord be with you.

Ministri: Et cum spiritu tuo.

Altar boy: And with your spirit.

Ascendens ad altare:
Sacerdos: Oremus. Aufer a nobis, quaesumus, Domine, iniquitates nostras: ut ad Sancta sanctorum puris mereamur mentibus introire. Per Christum, Dominum nostrum. Amen

Ascending to the altar:
Priest: Let us pray. Lord, we ask you: take our sins away from us and let us enter the holy of holies with a pure soul. Through Christ our Lord, amen.

Sacerdos: Oramus te, Domine, per merita Sanctorum tuorum, quorum reliquiae hic sunt, et omnium Sanctorum: ut indulgere digneris omnia peccata mea. Amen.

Priest: Lord, we ask you: through the merits of your saints, whose relics rest here, and of all saints, graciously forgive me all sins. Amen.

Web links

Wiktionary: step prayer  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: Relay prayer  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ritus servandus in celebratione Missae. In: Missale Romanum Editio XXIX post typicam . Ratisbonae n.d. [1953], p. (33).