Sumatran langur

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Sumatran langur
Sumatran Surili subspecies Yellow-handed Mitered Langur (Presbytis melalophos melalophos) .jpg

Sumatran langur ( Presbytis melalophos )

Superfamily : Tailed Old World Monkey (Cercopithecoidea)
Family : Vervet monkey relatives (Cercopithecidae)
Subfamily : Common monkeys and colobus monkeys (Colobinae)
Sub tribus : Langur (Presbytina)
Genre : Boned langurs ( Presbytis )
Type : Sumatran langur
Scientific name
Presbytis melalophos
( Raffles , 1821)

The Sumatran langur ( Presbytis melalophos ), also known as the red-brown comb langur , is a species of primate from the group of slender monkeys (Presbytini).


fluviatilis morphs

Like all cap langurs, Sumatran langurs are relatively small, slender primates with long hind legs and a long tail. The weight of the males is between 5.9 and 9 kg, that of the females between 5.2 and 8.9 kg. The monkeys reach a head-trunk length of about 34 to 40 cm (males) or 26 to 40 cm (females) and a tail length of 68 to 86 cm. In terms of color, the species is extremely variable. Typically the animals are colored reddish-orange on the back, on the outside of arms and legs and on the top of the tail, the underside and the inside of arms and legs are white, yellow or light orange. The hands and feet are orange. The tip of the head of hair and the hairless skin of the face are black. One as nobilis called morph is fuchsrot that ferruginea -Morphe is more brown than red and aurata -Morphe has a black spot on the chest, a white tail and black hands and feet. Another morph that occurs near Palembang is called fluviatilis and is very bright.

distribution and habitat

light blue, the range of the Sumatran langur

Sumatran langurs live exclusively in the mid-west of the island of Sumatra, which belongs to Indonesia . Their distribution area coincides roughly with the territories of the provinces of Bengkulu and West Sumatra . Their habitat is forests; in addition to lower-lying primary forests , they also occur in the mountain forests of the Barisan Mountains . The IUCN lists the species as low endangered. As with many Southeast Asian primates, the main threat is likely to be the ongoing destruction of their habitat.

Way of life

These primates are diurnal tree dwellers. You either move on all fours or jump. They live in groups of 5 to 8 animals, which usually consist of a male, several females and their offspring. But there are also groups with several males as well as pure male groups ("bachelor groups"). Sumatran langurs are herbivores, their diet consists mainly of leaves, but they also eat unripe fruits, flowers and seeds. Like all slender monkeys, they have a multi-chambered stomach for better utilization of their food.


The genus of the cap langurs ( Presbytis ) has experienced a great deal of radiation - presumably in connection with fluctuations in the sea level in the Ice Age . Today, a distinction is made between numerous species and subspecies, which are difficult to systematically delimit. The Sumatran langur was described as Simia melalophos by the British explorer Thomas Stamford Raffles as early as 1821 , but it was not recognized as a species different from the bandage langur until the 1970s . Some systematics such as Geissmann (2003) divide the species into four types according to the color morphs: yellow, brown, gray and red Sumatran langur, the system used here follows the Handbook of the Mammals of the World (2013) and recognizes the black comb langur ( P. sumatrana ), the black and white crested langur ( P. bicolor ) and the southern crested langur ( P. mitrata ) as different species from the Sumatran langur.


Web links

Commons : Sumatran langur ( Presbytis melalophos )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files