Super 6 (lottery)

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Like Spiel 77, Super 6 is an additional lottery that is held in the German Lotto and Totoblock on two days (Wednesday and Saturday) a week. This lottery was first introduced in Saarland in 1992 and then gradually taken over by the other regional companies. The drawing will still be held in Saarbrücken , separate from the other lottery drawings.

With each drawing a 6-digit number (from 000000 to 999999) is drawn as the winning number. The win then results from the last 6 digits of the ticket number (which is fixed by the game provider), which must match the winning number ( final number lottery ). The winning class results from the number of matching digits (from the right). There are 6 prize categories:

class Winning number Probabilities Profit
Prize class I. Lot number 0.0001% 100,000.00 euros
Prize class II the last 5 digits 0.0009% 6,666.00 euros
Prize class III the last 4 digits 0.009% 666.00 euros
Prize class IV the last 3 digits 0.09% 66.00 euros
Prize class V the last 2 digits 0.9% 6.00 euros
Prize class VI the last digit 9% 2.50 euros
Prize categories I-VI at least 1 digit 10% at least 2.50 euros
Rivet Wrong final digit 90% 0.00 euros

There can be several winners in each prize class, there is no jackpot in Super 6. If there are more than 100 winners in prize class I, the amount paid out is limited to 10,000,000 (100 × 100,000 euros) in order to limit the lottery risk for the game operator.

Super 6 can only be used in conjunction with participation in the lottery , Eurojackpot Toto , BINGO! or the spiral of luck . The additional stake is 1.25 euros. The expected value for the profit is 55.8 cents with a payout of 100,000 euros in profit class I.

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