Susanne Stelzenbach

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Susanne Stelzenbach (* 1947 in Reudnitz , Thuringia ) lives as a freelance composer and pianist in Berlin .


Susanne Stelzenbach studied piano at the “Hanns Eisler” University of Music in Berlin , majoring in piano , graduating in 1976. From 1976 to 1983 she was teaching piano there.

From 1980 to approx. 2000 she was a pianist as a soloist and chamber musician in numerous concerts, including radio first recordings and first CD recordings. She made recordings a. a. with pianist Thomas Just and works by Claude Debussy 'En blanc et noir', Igor Stawinsky 'Concerto', György Ligeti 'Monument Self-Portrait Movement', Ralf Hoyer 'General Expectation', and the GDR premiere of Karlheinz Stockhausen's 'Mantra'. Guest appearances have taken her to various European countries.

Since 1987 she began self-taught studies of composition . She writes works for chamber music ensembles, audio art, music theater, concert and sound installations as well as texts.

She received composition scholarships a. a .:

  • 1990 Swedish Institute
  • 1992/2003 Berlin Cultural Fund Foundation
  • 2002 memorial smithy Höfgen / composer in residence
  • 2003 Music Academy Rheinsberg / composer in residence
  • 2005 working grant from the state of Brandenburg
  • 2010 residency at the Künstlerhaus Ahrenshoop

From 1997 onwards she devoted herself primarily to composition. She also rehearses and conducts her works and numerous multimedia works. In cooperation with the composer Ralf Hoyer, works of electronic music were created in the field of music theater and various concert, video and sound installations . Since 2002 she has been involved in the management of the annual interdisciplinary art festival PYRAMIDALE in Berlin-Hellersdorf, and since 2010 she has been the sole artistic director.

She received composition commissions a. a. by: International Music Biennale Berlin, Hebbel Theater Berlin, ACARTE Festival Lisbon, Academy of Arts Berlin, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Kryptonale Berlin, musica aperta Winterthur, Music Academy Rheinsberg, Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop / German-Russian House Kaliningrad , Festival for New Music BORDER REGIONS Leipzig , GEDOK Berlin, Berlin composition commission 2005 and project funding by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds, the Initiative Neue Musik Berlin, the German Music Council and the Senate Department for Science / Research / Culture Berlin.

Her works are performed and broadcast on the radio in various European countries and in the USA. a. by DeutschlandRadio Berlin, MDR , WDR , DRS2, GreekRadio3.

Susanne Stelzenbach has been a member of GEDOK Berlin since 2005 . From 2008 to 2010 she was the Federal Advisory Council on Music. She is a member of the German Tonkünstlerverband . Since 2007 she has been working on the board of the Brandenburg New Music Association and in the management team of the festival for new music "intersonanzen" in Potsdam.

Composition prizes and awards

  • 2006 viva nova composition prize of the Weimar Spring Days for contemporary music for the composition "White over Black" for bass clarinet , violoncello and piano
  • In 2006 and 2008, following an international tender, the electroacoustic compositions “apfel” and “five minutes hen's egg” were selected for the “International Women's Electroacoustic Listening Room Project” Performing Arts Center, California State University , Fullerton
  • 2008 - 3rd prize at the international female composer competition in Unna for the composition “dizzy” for cello and two secondary saxophones
  • 2009 Miriam Gideon Prize for the piece: "Chocolate doesn't sweeten today" for mezzo-soprano and piano, announced by The International Alliance for Women in Music 28th IAWM (2009)
  • 2006 Award for the sound installation glocken geigen glas II - double membrane at the 33rd International Festival for Electroacoustic Music in Bourges (France)
  • 2007 project funding for the full-length music theater work
  • print # 2.1 | klima_vorher.sagen UA February 2008 Konzerthaus Berlin , Werner-Otto-Saal
  • 2008 Commissioned by the Rheinsberg Music Academy for druck # 2.2 klima_gefilde.vermessen music theater for soprano, alto, speaker, rapper, chamber ensemble sound and video installation, premier in the context of the Whitsun workshop for new music Rheinsberg

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