coat of arms | Germany map | |
![]() |
Coordinates: 51 ° 32 ' N , 7 ° 41' E |
Basic data | ||
State : | North Rhine-Westphalia | |
Administrative region : | Arnsberg | |
Circle : | Unna | |
Height : | 100 m above sea level NHN | |
Area : | 88.56 km 2 | |
Residents: | 58,936 (Dec. 31, 2019) | |
Population density : | 665 inhabitants per km 2 | |
Postcodes : | 59423, 59425, 59427 | |
Primaries : | 02303, 02308 | |
License plate : | UN, LH, LÜN | |
Community key : | 05 9 78 036 | |
City administration address : |
Rathausplatz 1 59423 Unna |
Website : | ||
Mayor : | Werner Kolter ( SPD ) | |
Location of the city of Unna in the Unna district | ||
Unna is a large city and county seat of the Unna district in the eastern Ruhr area in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia . It is (after Lünen ) the second largest city in the Unna district in terms of number of inhabitants.
Geographical location
Unna is about 15 km east of Dortmund on the eastern edge of the Ruhr area , on the Westphalian Hellweg and thus in the Hellwegbörde , which extends between the rivers Ruhr and Lippe . The urban area includes altitudes of 65 m (Afferder Bach) up to 225 m (Hemmerder Schelk) above sea level.
City structure
The outskirts of Unna, in the transition area between the Ruhr area and Hellweg-Börde, is also clearly evident in the urban structure.
The city center is surrounded by mixed residential areas. One- to two-family houses and smaller multi-family houses predominate in many places. In the transition to the northern district of Königsborn as well as in the area of Morgenstrasse in the east and especially in the vicinity of the green area Bornekamp in the south there are many larger single-family houses and villas. Larger multi-family housing estates are mainly located in the outer southwest.
The western district of Massen and, in particular, the northern district of Königsborn have typical features of the Ruhr area. With the Buderus colony, there is a larger mining settlement in the north of Massen. In Niedermassen and Obermassen , the settlement structure of the eastern districts of Dortmund continues with many one- to two-family houses and smaller multi-family houses. The southernmost part of Massen, the Massener Heide , is one of the upscale residential areas in Unna with its spacious single-family houses. Königsborn in particular has a large number of colliery settlements and, with its mixed housing development in the central area, a larger high-rise estate and many larger single-family houses in the south, has a very heterogeneous settlement structure.
The north-western Afferde and the northern Alte Heide , however, are rural.
The eastern Hellweg villages of Uelzen , Mühlhausen , Lünern , Stockum , Westhemmerde and Hemmerde are lined up east of the city center at sometimes larger distances to the city limits of Werl and are rural in character. Single-family houses and farms predominate.
The southern districts of Billmerich and Kessebüren as well as the southeastern Siddinghausen also have a very rural character and similar settlement structures as the eastern districts of Unna.
Historical overview
Prehistory and Antiquity
The first settlements in today's urban area have existed since the Neolithic . In Roman times there was a Germanic settlement nearby. It is uncertain whether this served as a station on Hellweg earlier, as was only certain from the early Middle Ages .
middle Ages
Unna was first mentioned on August 6, 1032 in a document from the Archbishop of Cologne, Pilgrim , who transferred the church in Unna with other possessions to the Abbot Radolfus von Deutz. The secular lords were initially also dependent on the Archbishop of Cologne. At the beginning of the 13th century, Count Friedrich von Altena-Isenberg was enfeoffed with Unna by the Archbishop of Cologne, among other goods. After 1225 his uncle, the Archbishop Engelbert of Berg was killed, he was executed and his property fell to his cousin, Count Adolf of Altena , who after his new residence, Burg Mark on the lip future Graf von der Mark called and the fortification of the place goes back. In 1264 archbishop troops stormed Unna and burned it down, after which the place was rebuilt. After the Battle of Worringen in 1288, with which the Counts of the Mark freed themselves from the dominance of Cologne, Unna received town rights , market rights and the right to exercise lower jurisdiction from the Count of the Mark . The oldest city seal and the earliest mention of a council date from 1290. The city was partially burned down several times in the ongoing disputes with the archbishops of Cologne (for example in 1303 and 1308), but during the subsequent rebuilding it was enlarged and strengthened so that it 1324 was able to repel another attack by the archbishop's troops. In the late Middle Ages, the city was ravaged by several fires and armed events, including from 1419 in the Brandenburg Civil War (1417–1461).
Despite many wars, the city experienced a considerable boom in the 14th century, which is said to go back to the merchants of Unna, who also operated lively long-distance trade. From 1347 onwards, the Brandenburg counts had coins minted in Unna. The “Goldschatz von Unna”, buried around 1375, which was found during excavation work in 1952 and which consists of over 70 gold coins from Germany, England, France, Bohemia and Hungary, testifies to the prosperity of the city and its inhabitants. Since 1389, brine has been extracted in the area of today's Königsborn and table salt extracted from it. In the 15th century, craftsmen and merchants began to merge into guilds . From 1469 to 1518 and again from 1540 the city of Unna was a member of the Hanseatic League . In 1549 Unna became a principal town of the Hanseatic League together with Hamm.
Modern times
Towards the end of the 16th century, the economic boom came to an end due to the decline of the Hanseatic League, religious schism and numerous wars and epidemics. In 1597 Unna lost more than half of its inhabitants as a result of the plague . In 1598 and 1604 Spanish horsemen were quartered in Unna in the course of the Spanish-Dutch War . With the death of Duke Johann Wilhelm von Kleve in 1609, the old line of the Counts of the Mark died out, and the County of Mark with the city of Unna fell to Margrave Ernst of Brandenburg and Count Palatine Wolfgang Wilhelm , whose alliance, however, broke up in 1614 due to religious differences. Unna and other Kleve-Mark towns were captured by Dutch troops in 1614, but they withdrew when the plague broke out again in 1615. During the Thirty Years' War the city suffered from sieges, billeting and contributions , for example by the Dutch (1622 and 1641), Spaniards and Italians (1622/23), imperial troops (1628), " Pappenheimer " (1628), Sweden (1633) / 34), Hesse (1634), Lüneburgers (1635) and Imperial (1636/41). The many contributions and billeting in particular were "overly difficult". In addition, on April 4, 1640, “an unusual earthquake ruined many houses in the city.” Before the Thirty Years' War, Unna had to record 4,000 Reichstaler income from farms, lands and pension income owed 30,000 thalers in debt. The economic heyday of the 14th to 16th centuries was long gone.
In 1666 Unna fell to Brandenburg-Prussia , which later became part of the Kingdom of Prussia . In Unna there was a regiment on foot until 1756 , which received its replacement from the county of Mark. During the Dutch-French War (1672–1679), the French Marshal Turenne bombarded the city on February 4, 1673, which destroyed 220 houses (about 54% of the total). In 1678 and 1723 there were further city fires. In the Seven Years' War (1756–1763) Unna had to endure further fighting, billeting and passage through; but - compared with the two previous wars - it suffered less from the arbitrariness of foreign soldiers and contributions. Scheduled destruction was an exception. The effects of the Seven Years' War on Unna were not as dramatic as the Franco-Dutch War (see above). The city's brickworks were destroyed and the aqueduct "largely ruined". By 1761, inflation tripled compared to the pre-war level and then fell to only 145% per year at the end of the war in 1763. The population stagnated throughout the 18th century: 1919 residents (1719) and 2037 residents (1796). Trade stagnated and attempts to set up factories failed “because of the total lack of water”. The immigration from France that began after the revolution of 1789 also affected Unna and set new impulses in the economy and way of life.
In the 18th century an insignificant agricultural town, Unna only gained importance again through industrialization and the rise to the status of an official town. In 1734 the Prussian state founded the " Königsborn salt works ", which later became the most important salt works in Westphalia . In 1799 the first steam engine in the western provinces of Prussia for brine extraction was put into operation in Unna . With the expansion of the road from Unna to Kamen in 1752, the making the Upper Ruhr navigable between 1780 and 1801, the expansion of the Hellweg in 1817 and the connection to the Bergisch-Märkische railway network in 1855, the city was connected to the new centers in the Ruhr area .
After the provisional end of the affiliation of the County of Mark to the Kingdom of Prussia as a result of the Napoleonic Wars , Unna was added to the newly created Grand Duchy of Berg on January 21, 1808 with the County of Mark and became the seat of the municipality of Unna, which with other municipalities the canton of Unna in the arrondissement of Dortmund educated. In 1809 the "Katharinenkloster" in Unna was abolished in the course of secularization . After Napoleon's defeat, the Prussians moved in again in November 1813, initially leaving the French administrative structure in place and re-establishing the Hamm district in 1817 by merging the mayorships of Hamm, Pelkum, Rhynern, Kamen, Unna and Fröndenberg. By adopting the revised city order of 1831 in 1837, Unna left the rural mayorship. The Office Unna united in 1844 with the Office Kamen for office Unna Kamen .
The industrialization began in 1870 with the start of coal production in masses Billmerich, Ringebrauck and Königsborn one. Mining suppliers as well as factories for mechanical engineering and metal processing, brickworks and breweries also settled here. In 1860 the municipal gas works was founded; in the years 1887/1888 the Ruhr waterworks was built.
After the First World War, the Red Ruhr Army occupied Unna for a short time in the spring of 1920 . In 1927 it was decided to relocate the district administration of the Hamm district to Unna and it was completed in September 1930 after the inauguration of the new district building. On October 17th, the Hamm district was finally renamed the Unna district .
At the time of National Socialism, a general SS leadership school was built in Unna in 1934, which was expanded into a general barracks a little later. The Army Equipment Office for the armored troops was established on Kamener Strasse in 1937 . The Jewish community, which still consisted of 156 people in 1933, was forced to emigrate or wiped out by 1943. 142 Jews from Unna fell - directly or indirectly - to the Nazi tyranny. B. in Theresienstadt, Belzec and Auschwitz. During the Second World War, the men drafted for military service a. a. replaced by forced laborers from France, Poland, Southeast Europe and the Soviet Union. The so-called "Eastern workers" from the Soviet Union were at the lowest level. In 1944 their number was 1790, i.e. H. Every twelfth inhabitant of the city was a slave laborer at that time, half of them in agriculture, the rest in mining, in industry, with the Reichsbahn, in the construction of air raids and in private households. They were accommodated partly in the courtyards, partly in guarded barracks, which were built mainly for "Eastern workers" and Poles. The forced labor situation was generally characterized by long working hours, low wages, poor food and bad treatment. In 1943, the city's administrative report recorded 416 “fugitive foreigners who had broken out of contact” who were arrested and handed over to the Gestapo; that was more than a third of the 1133 forced laborers at the time. In the last two years of the war there were several air raids on Unna, most of which were aimed at the militarily important Heereszeugamt, but also caused great destruction in the city. The first major attack took place on September 19, 1944, further major attacks followed on February 16 and 28 and on March 5 and 23, 1945. The last one was on the Reichsbahn facilities and the brass works, lasted only 15 minutes and killed 113 people. In the last 101 days of the war (January 1 to April 11, 1945) the city was attacked 17 times, killing 174 people and destroying or damaging more than 1200 houses. As the front approached, Unna became a hospital town, which should have been handed over to the enemy without a fight. After the wounded had been transferred to Hemer at the last minute, a battle of several days broke out around the town, which was only ended on April 11, 1945 when troops from the 95th US Infantry Division came from the east. The Allies had bypassed the Ruhr area to the south and north, formed the "Ruhr Basin" and attacked it from the east. Nevertheless, Unna was still relatively lucky in the final phase of the war.
In the post-war period, Unna took in around 2,260 refugees and displaced persons until January 1, 1950. After the dissolution of the state of Prussia by law of the Allied Control Council in 1947, Unna became part of the new federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia . The former SS barracks were used by Belgian troops until April 1956; then the Federal Border Police Department Eschwege moved in there . In 1956 Unna had more than 30,000 inhabitants for the first time.
With the closure of the mine during the structural crisis in the Ruhr area in the 1960s, the development marked by mining ended. Since then, the city has transformed into a service center.
On January 1, 1968, by the district Unna law on the restructuring the existing communities Afferde, Billmerich, Hemmerde, Kesse Buren, Lünern, masses (formed on 1 April 1911 as merger of the former municipalities of low mass and high mass), Mulhouse, Siddinghausen, Stockum, Uelzen and Westhemmerde merged with the city of Unna. The previous Unna-Kamen office was dissolved.
Population development
Until the beginning of the 19th century, Unna was a city with only a few thousand inhabitants. The population had grown only slowly over the centuries and continued to decline as a result of numerous wars, epidemics and famine. In 1597, when the plague broke out, 1,400 died. The population also fell during the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648). Only with the beginning of industrialization did population growth accelerate. In 1818 only 2,400 people lived in the city, by 1900 there were already 15,000. By 1956, that number had doubled to 30,000.
The incorporations of January 1, 1968 brought an increase of 18,000 people to 50,000 inhabitants. In 2000 the population reached its historical high of 71,375. On December 31, 2010, the official population for Unna was 66,502 according to updates by the State Office for Data Processing and Statistics North Rhine-Westphalia (only main residences after comparison with the other state offices). The population of 59,145 determined in the “ 2011 Census ”, based on the end of 2011, differs significantly from the above-mentioned official figure of 66,502 with a difference of over 7,000 inhabitants or 11 percent. The city of Unna has doubts about the results of the census and, together with several other cities in North Rhine-Westphalia, has sued the results of the census based on the 2011 census. However, if other comparable parameters are used, this identified significant population decline cannot be explained, unless there are unna masses entering and leaving the reception center and the fact that Unna was and remains the location of the armed forces (fluctuation / different places of residence of soldiers), have influenced the numbers positively or negatively. In the last instance, the Federal Constitutional Court confirmed the methodology of the 2011 census and thus dismissed the action brought by the city of Unna.
With the population of 58,856 given for 2013, Unna already has 5,556 fewer inhabitants than the figure of 64,412 forecast by IT.NRW for 2025.
In its 2009 study, the Bertelsmann Foundation predicts a population decline in Unna from currently approx. 67,000 inhabitants to approx. 44,000 inhabitants in 2030. That corresponds to a real decrease of 23,000 inhabitants (or 1,000 annually) or 34%. This dramatic decline is only predicted for Unna; in other cities in the Ruhr area, the percentage decline in the comparison period is only five to ten percent on average.
More recent forecasts continue to show serious differences for Unna. According to IT.NRW, based on the 2011 census, there will be 63,513 inhabitants in 2030, while the Bertelsmann Foundation, in its forecast from July 2015, expects 54,250 inhabitants for 2030 - a difference of almost 10,000 inhabitants. It can be assumed that the decline in the number of inhabitants predicted in the Bertelsmann study from 2009 to only approx. 44,000 will not arrive this way.
The following overview shows the number of inhabitants according to the respective territorial status. Until 1819 it is mostly an estimate, then census results (¹) or official updates from the State Statistical Office. From 1871, the information relates to the “local population”, from 1925 to the resident population and since 1987 to the “population at the place of the main residence”. Before 1871, the number of inhabitants was determined according to inconsistent survey procedures.
¹ census result
City council
Composition of the city council as of October 2018:
SPD | CDU | GREEN | FLU * | THE LEFT | FDP | non-attached |
20 seats | 14 seats | 7 seats | 2 seats | 2 seats | 2 seats | 5 seats |
* Free list Unna
Results of the local elections from 1975
The list only includes parties and constituencies that received at least 1.95 percent of the vote in the respective election.
year | SPD | CDU | GAL | FW / FLU | left | Pirates | FDP |
1975 | 49.7 | 38.8 | 9.2 | ||||
1979 | 52.5 | 38.5 | 7.8 | ||||
1984 | 49.6 | 35.1 | 9.9 | 5.4 | |||
1989 | 50.6 | 31.3 | 11.0 | 7.2 | |||
1994 | 47.9 | 36.0 | 12.0 | 4.2 | |||
1999 | 40.1 | 44.4 | 10.9 | 4.6 | |||
2004 | 40.8 | 36.8 | 13.6 | 8.8 | |||
2009 | 44.8 | 28.3 | 12.8 | 2.7 | 4.3 | 7.1 | |
2014 | 40.3 | 28.7 | 14.3 | 5.04 | 4.8 | 3.5 | 3.4 |
The current mayor (2020) has been Werner Kolter (SPD) since 2004 .
Former mayor (until 1917)
- around 1549 Eberhard Büren
- Mentioned on June 22, 1817: Mayor Rocholt, in a letter to Chief Dickmann zu Mühlhausen.
- 1851 to 1862 Louis von Schell , later mayor of Gütersloh
- 1917 Georg Wiesner
Former mayor (from 1926)
- from January 12, 1926 to 1933 Emmerich
- from July 6, 1933 to September 30, 1939 Kloeber
- from October 1, 1939 to 1945 Hohendahl
- from April 12, 1945 to March 31, 1946 Niemann (subsequently city director)
- from September 26, 1946 to October 31, 1948 Josef Ströthoff
- from November 1, 1948 to December 4, 1952 Richard Schrader
- from December 5, 1952 to February 26, 1954 Wilko Freiherr von Wintzingerode
- from February 27, 1954 to November 26, 1954 Josef Fischer
- from November 29, 1954 to December 17, 1958 Emil Rasche
- from December 18, 1958 to February 26, 1959 Josef Ströthoff (entrusted with the exercise until the new mayor is elected on February 27, 1959)
- from February 27, 1959 to October 17, 1984 Erich Göpfert
- from October 18, 1984 to September 30, 1999 Willhelm Dördelmann
- from October 1, 1999 to October 12, 2004 Volker W. Weidner
Former City Directors
- from April 1, 1946 to September 30, 1946 Niemann
- Born from October 1, 1946 to September 30, 1958
- from December 1, 1958 to September 30, 1962 Ehlgen
- from April 16, 1963 to April 15, 1975 Karl-Heinz Prescher
- from May 21, 1975 to 1999 Klaus Dunker
Coat of arms, flag and official seal
The city of Unna has the coat of arms approved by the Minister of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia on November 13, 1967:
Blazon : “In silver (white) a red city fortification, the middle gate tower with a pointed roof is connected laterally by walls and covered battlements with two lower crenellated towers; the upper floor of the gate tower is equipped on both sides with a flag hoisted on a red pole, which shows a bar in gold (yellow) with four rows of red and silver (white) nested in three rows. " | |
Description of the flag: “The city flag shows the colors red and white. It can contain the city arms. "
The city of Unna has an official seal with the city coat of arms. The official seal is similar in shape and size to the seal printed in the main statute.
Town twinning
Unna maintains partnership relationships with the following cities:
Waalwijk in the Netherlands , since 1968
Palaiseau in France , since 1969
Enkirch , in Rhineland-Palatinate , since 1969
Chub in Saxony , since 1989
Ajka in Hungary , since 1990
Pisa in Italy , since 1996
The city of Unna is also a member of the International Hanseatic League, DIE HANSE .
Furthermore, the district town of Unna maintains a partnership relationship with the logistics battalion 7 of the Bundeswehr stationed in Unna .
Culture and sights
The castle Unna is since 1936 the seat of the Hellweg Museum . In the village of Kessebüren there is the Ernst-Oldenburg-Haus with a permanent exhibition of works by the painter and sculptor Ernst Oldenburg , who lived and worked here for the last years of his life. In Stockum, Horst Höfer's private mining museum "Fröhliche Morgensonne" gives a vivid insight into the mining history of the eastern Ruhr area and the life of miners in the first half of the 20th century.
The Kunstverein Unna began in 1968 to show contemporary art from the Ruhr area and artists from other European countries. It was the cultural center of the region's art scene until the mid-1970s.
See also: List of museums in the Unna district
Art in public space
See: List of works of art in public space in Unna
Light art
In May 2001 the Center for International Light Art was opened in Unna on the site of the former Linden Brewery . The city of Unna has been represented in the Hellweg - ein Lichtweg cultural project since 2002 .
Evangelical town church
The Evangelical City Church is a late Gothic hall church that was built from 1322. The foundation stone of the choir dates from 1389. It is said to have been completed in 1396. The tower was built in the 15th century. After being destroyed by lightning, the tower was rebuilt in 1863 according to plans by the Cologne cathedral builder Ernst Friedrich Zwirner . The church was the place of activity of the songwriter Philipp Nicolai from 1596 to 1601 . At the city church there was once still a Marienkapelle, built in 1501, but it was demolished at the beginning of the 19th century. In addition to the Lutheran town church, there was also the Reformed Hospital Church in Unna, which, however, was sold after the unification of the Lutheran and Reformed parishes of Unna around 1820 and was later demolished.
Catholic Parish Church of St. Catherine

History and architecture
After the city of Unna had become Protestant in the second half of the 16th century, a Catholic community was only able to form again towards the end of the 17th century. In a settlement between the Elector of Brandenburg and the Count Palatine of Neuburg in 1672, she was awarded the monastery chapel on today's Klosterstrasse. It was built around 1468 and named after Catherine of Alexandria . It served as a Catholic parish church from 1683 to 1848; thereafter the building was the Unna synagogue until the pogrom night on November 9, 1938; today there is a printing shop there. The second Katharinenkirche was built in 1848 southwest of today's church on what will later be Bahnhofstrasse. However, it became too small around 1900 due to the rapid growth of the community. The plans for a new building dragged on until 1933.
The church building on the northern edge of the city center was built from 1933 to 1934 according to plans by the architects Flerus and Konert from Dortmund as a double - tower wall pillar construction in the neo-Romanesque style. The sober walls made of reinforced concrete are clad with a facade made of greenish Anröchter dolomite. The foundation stone was laid on November 26, 1933; the consecration took place on October 7, 1934 by the Paderborn Archbishop Caspar Klein . The two large sculptures above the west portal are works by the sculptor Josef Baron ; they show Saints Boniface and Peter Canisius . A relief high on the southern tower by the same artist shows the "Unna donkey".
In 2002, extensive renovation was necessary, during which the interior design was also redesigned. The clear character of the architecture should be preserved, the atmosphere of the interior improved. Under the direction of Thomas Kesseler, a concept was developed that brought the items of equipment into a new context and added them to them. The alabaster figure of St. Catherine, which had previously stood for a long time in the Diocesan Museum in Paderborn, was given a new place in a specially built red chapel. The previous separation of the altar and the parish hall should be dissolved; the sanctuary found its place in the first two axes of the nave, raised by four steps. The cantilevered steps consist of Anröchter stone slabs that are 1.00 × 1.00 meters in size. They correspond to the dimensions of the room, the dimensions of the aisle and the pillars of the church. The idea of a path church was taken up so that the tabernacle, altar, baptismal font and main portal form a central axis. This is underlined by a two meter wide strip of green dolomite. Two nine meter high and three meter wide glass pictures painted in black and red are hung on flat steel in the area of the former altar level. They show elements of the early Christian apse mosaics; In the background, Arkanthus ornaments are superimposed by free paintings that are supposed to create a cosmic vision of light. A cross hangs freely in front of these paintings. As a further reference to early Christian room design, 2.5 meter high, white wall blocks were built to serve as choir screens. In the upper choir screen there are two glass pictures showing Mary and John the Baptist praying. Together with the depiction of the crucifixion, they form a so-called Deesis group ; this type of image already pointed to the Last Judgment in Byzantine art. The interior is restrained in light mineral colors; the wooden ceiling shows various intense blue-gray tones. The side chapels and the weekday chapel are kept in shades of blue, red and yellow according to the color palette of Le Corbusier . The former doors of the porch were not reused; they have been replaced by a glass wall under the organ gallery, which forms a vestibule. The glass wall enables the church to be opened and the interior to be seen at the same time, without granting access. In the adoration chapel, the wall panels are colored in yellow. On the central glass portal is the inscription “Step into this room. Let yourself be touched by the true light to which Christ is the gate ” read.
Christ Church Königsborn
The Protestant Christ Church in the Königsborn district is a hall church built in 1904/1905 in neo-Romanesque forms, influenced by Art Nouveau .
Other architectural monuments
The list of architectural monuments in Unna contains a complete list of registered monuments and ground monuments with photos .
- The former Augustinian convent was founded in 1459. The former church building was completely disfigured by alterations and is now profaned.
- The former town hall on the market is a two-storey classical plastered building from 1833. It was significantly changed in 1925 with the installation of arcades.
- The Rahlenbecks Hof , Klosterstrasse 44, is a two-storey half-timbered building that was rebuilt in the 17th century over medieval foundations. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful half-timbered houses in Unna and was mentioned in the bridal wine book from 1657. There is a double coat of arms above the entrance.
- Residential buildings: In the old town there are a large number of half-timbered buildings from the 16th to 19th centuries. Century, which, however, are often plastered and changed by shop fittings. To emphasize:
- Gürtelstraße 19. The three-storey eaves house from 1577 with carved fan rosettes is the last remnant of a larger neighboring house that burned down in the 19th century
- Hertingerstraße 32. The two-storey gabled house with a broken stone base was probably built between 1550 and 1600.
- Market 10. Gabled house built at the end of the 16th century with curved footbands and z. Some with carved fan rosettes
- Market 11. Gabled house with a crooked roof and St. Andrew's crosses, 17th century
- Market 14. Classicist town house from the 19th century, which was originally plastered.
- Massener Straße 19. Plastered half-timbered building, probably built in the 16th century.
- Massener Straße 24. Two-story gabled house with carved panels and fan rosettes, which is inscribed in 1587. The ground floor and the gable triangle were changed through renovations.
- Larger stretches of the city fortifications have been preserved, especially on the east side of the old town. A remnant of the Owl Tower, built in 1475, stands on the south wall. Its name originated in the 19th century from an incorrect translation of the Low German "Ölckenthurm", which actually means "Iltisturm". The original roof and upper floor of the tower were removed in 1856.
- The castle Unna , also close to the city walls, houses the Hellweg Museum .
- The moated castle Haus Heyde , first mentioned in 1343, was located in Uelzen and was demolished in 1966. Some of the moats and an exceptional tree population are still there. The area has been under protection as a ground monument since 1986 . Important personalities lived here, especially the famous von Bodelschwingh family , for whom Heyde was "the real focus" in the 19th century.
- House West Shirts
Well in Unna
Donkey fountain
The donkey fountain was built in 1978 to replace the old market fountain based on a design by Josef Baron . The donkey is not a landmark in the strict sense of the word, but has established itself as a symbolic figure for Unna. The origin is likely to be in so-called place names that were widespread in Westphalia in the 19th century, such as (Low German) "Kömsche Bleier" for the neighboring Kamener , here just "Iasel Unna". In 1924, this tradition resulted in the first official donkey depiction on the town hall on the market, and in 1934 a relief on the tower of the newly built Katharinenkirche, which is supposed to symbolize the dispute between the Catholic parish and the National Socialist administration over the building site. Unna maintains this tradition with a sculpture in the city park in 1954 (also Josef Baron), the city fountain and, most recently, an animal parade in 2009 .
The "water stagnation"
When Aluminumwerk Unna AG celebrated its 75th anniversary in 1989, the company donated the water sculpture designed by Hans-Oiseau Kalkmann to the city , which the sculptor created with the trainees in a four-month contact art campaign at the factory. The sculpture is a reference to the Kortelbach piped at this point . It is on the inner city ring, where the water gate used to be. The name of the waterway also reminds of this.
Regular events
Every year from 1956 to 2011 , the world's smallest carnival parade took place in Unna on Weiberfastnacht, led by Helmut Scherer . It consisted of just a single hand-drawn wagon .
Regular events derive on the one hand from tradition and customs, on the other hand from innovative and up-to-date program planning of different organizers in municipal and other sponsorship.
After a comprehensive inventory and in accordance with an overall concept for the areas of education, culture and leisure in the city of Unna, the basis was created for the promotion of the diverse social-cultural activities and initiatives in as many places in the city as possible by means of effective bundling and networking to create a cultural "information center for all ”, to a“ forum for contemporary arts ”. There is a remarkable variety of cultural events: Regular exhibition openings of the Kunstverein Unna, in urban Hellweg Museum , as well as set up by the city of Unna and after Unnaer artist Carl Ernst Kuerten , one of the most famous sculptors of the region of the Ruhr area, named Carl Ernst Kürten Foundation in Unna-Alte Heide , the concerts of the Philipp-Nicolai-Kantorei , the music association of the city of Unna and the various choirs of the lively group of singers, the youth concerts in the twin cities Palaiseau and Unna, children's painting festivals on the marketplaces, festival programs of the sports clubs, advance rentals by the cultural administration, special film series the adult education center, as well as the series JAZZ AKTUELL set up with the tailwind of the cultural committee , the regular events of institutions located in the city such as the International Library of Composers and the International Center for Light Art as well as other nationally important institutions activities, for example the Westphalian Literature Office in Unna e. V. with its international Mord am Hellweg biennial , as well as the event program of the cultural institutions of the district town of Unna (for example, annual: Summertime (cultural summer open air) ).
Every two years "Un (n) a Festa Italiana", the largest Italian festival north of the Alps, takes place in the city center. In 2001 around 200,000 visitors found their way to Unna, in 2007 around 250,000 guests were expected. Elaborate illuminations from Bari are a particular attraction .
The city festival takes place in Unna every first weekend in September. Various musical styles and artists are presented on up to seven stages throughout the city center. In addition to local greats such as the Cantus Brutalis group, well-known music groups such as the Cologne group Brings (2004) also perform . The festival opens on Friday evening with the Altbier evening and the traditional tapping of the keg by the mayor.
Economy and Infrastructure
Until the middle of the 19th century, Unna was still a predominantly agricultural town. In 1828 beer breweries, distilleries, pottery and a brick factory were named as "food branches" of the city. Salt production in Königsborn was also of great importance. From the beginning of industrialization - mainly due to coal mining - a change to an industrial location took place. In contrast to most cities in the Ruhr area, most jobs in Unna are still in industry (iron and metal processing, mechanical engineering) or in the skilled trades. With the former steelworks Westig, Zapp AG has been operating a factory for precision semi-finished products in Unna since 1991 . VDM Metals has been located in the Königsborn district since 1972 with a smelting plant for nickel alloys and special stainless steels. The company employs around 450 people in Unna. Aluminumwerk Unna AG employs 390 people at its location. The company headquarters and furniture store of the Zurbrüggen Wohnzentrum company are also considered to be a major employer . The WIMA company manufactures film capacitors in Unna.
The logistics sector is an increasingly important economic focus. The former Karstadt - central warehouse (now DHL ), the central bearing of the pump manufacturer Wilo SE , a distribution of the DPD and the Metro high-bay warehouse Varena are the best known representatives of this industry. Another large DHL logistics complex went into operation in 2008. In addition, Unna is also the place of residence for many commuters who work in neighboring cities in the Ruhr area.
The city of Unna has one of the higher average primary incomes per inhabitant in the Unna district. In a national comparison, it was ranked 93rd out of 396 municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2016 for average disposable income.
Rail transport
The Unna station is located near railroad tracks Hagen-Hamm and Dortmund-Soest , and he is the terminus of the northern extension of the Hönnetal train about Fröndenberg and Menden to Neuenrade . It is also the end point of S-Bahn line 4 of the Rhein-Ruhr S-Bahn . Other train stations and stops in the city of Unna are Lünern and Hemmerde on the route to Soest, and Unna West, Unna-Königsborn and Massen on the S-Bahn line to Dortmund.
Bus transport
Unna has different types of bus routes, some of which run within the city and some beyond the city limits.
Unna has a city bus network ( city bus lines C40 – C45). This, as well as the connection to the neighboring communities, is operated by the Verkehrsgesellschaft Kreis Unna .
- Line C40 runs from Unna train station to the Südfriedhof
- Line C41 runs from Unna train station to Dortmund Airport
- Line C42 runs from the Kastanienhof to the city center
- Line C43 runs from Südfriedhof to Grillostraße
- Line C44 runs from the city center to Königsborn
- Line C45 runs from the city center to Hemmerde
In addition, the VKU and other companies operate various regional lines that go to various neighboring communities:
- Line R51 runs from Unna to Holzwickede
- The R54 line runs from Unna via Massen to Kamen-Methler
- The R81 line runs from Unna via Kamen and Bergkamen to Werne
- The R70 line runs from Unna via Kessebüren and Frömern to Fröndenberg / Ruhr
- Line 27 runs from Unna via Strickherdicke , Langschede , Halingen (Menden) to Menden (Sauerland)
An express bus line has a similar route as the regional line R81:
- The S81 line runs from Unna via Kamen and Bergkamen to Werne
Two direct bus lines :
- Line D45 runs from the city center to the east industrial area
- The D86 line runs from Schwerte via Unna, Kamen and Bergkamen to Werne (Amazon)
Taxi bus lines only run in Unna upon prior request to the VKU:
- Line T46 runs from Steinen (near Hemmerde) to Mühlhausen
- The T47 line runs from the Schöne Flöte swimming pool (near Holzwickede) via the Massener Heide to Unna
- The T48 line runs from Unna to Afferde
- The T54 line runs from Massen to Obermassen
In addition, Unna has a large number of school bus routes (14) (some also to outside the city) and a shared call taxi (AST).
Road traffic
Unna is located directly on the federal motorways 1 (Cologne – Bremen) and 44 (Dortmund – Kassel) and is therefore very well connected to the motorway network.
The federal highway 1 crosses the city in a west-east direction, the B 233 originally ran from Werne via Unna towards Iserlohn. The section from the city center of Unna to the Kamen motorway access was downgraded to a state road (L 678).
Air traffic
West of Unna is the Dortmund Airport (Dortmund Airport 21) . Many destinations in Eastern Europe in particular are served from here. The space is also used by business and private pilots.
The approach lane from the east runs across the urban area of Unna. The eastern end of the runway is a few hundred meters from the city limits to Unna-Massen. The "Schutzgemeinschaft Fluglärm", in which mainly citizens from Unna and Dortmund-Wickede have come together, is fighting against the extension of the runway and the extension of take-off and landing times.
Public facilities
Unna is home to the Glückauf barracks , the location of logistics battalion 7 of the German Armed Forces .
The District Court Unna is for the communities Unna, Fröndenberg , Bönen and Holzwickede competent district court . The jury of the AG Unna is also responsible for the city of Kamen .
On the site of the former linden brewery, various institutions of the city of Unna are combined in the Center for Information and Education (ZIB). The adult education center , the city library and the city archive have been under one roof here since 2004.
Unna has an almost complete range of general education schools. There are a total of eleven primary schools. The range of secondary schools includes two comprehensive schools , one secondary school , three grammar schools , a special school (focus on learning as well as emotional and social development, secondary level I) and a continuing education college in the form of an evening school (secondary school and grammar school).
Due to the discovery of pollutants, the last pupils of the Anne Frank Realschule left the building in Königsborn in July 2018 and are taught en masse in the Hellweg Realschule. The polluted secondary school in Königsborn is to make way for the new "Bildungscampus Königsborn".
Special features include a bilingual branch at Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium and a Waldorf kindergarten. Unna also has a vocational school center . The three colleges focus on the fields of craft and technology (Hellweg Berufskolleg), housekeeping, social and health care (Märkisches Berufskolleg) and trade, economics and administration (Hansa Berufskolleg).
In Unna there are two primary care hospitals, the Katharinen Hospital , also popularly known as the “Catholic Hospital”, and the Evangelical Hospital .
In addition, the Königsborn Life Center is a nationally important provider in the health system , including one of the largest social pediatric centers in Germany and the clinic for neuro and social pediatrics. Due to its supraregional importance, this facility was visited by Chancellor Angela Merkel and the then Federal President Horst Köhler .
sport and freetime
Unna is a relatively poorly forested city; But there are some recreational areas close to the city in the Massener Heide, in the Bornekamptal, in the Kurpark and in the Uelzener Heide / Mühlhauser Mark, which are easily accessible on foot or by bike. Beach volleyball facilities can be rented en masse by anyone by arrangement. There are also two outdoor pools, skate facilities , one run by the city and an indoor pool that has been kept from being closed by a sponsoring association (HSM). This indoor swimming pool, located in large numbers (on the premises of the secondary school on Königsborner Straße), can also be rented privately; Free swimming times are offered on Sundays. The ice rink was closed in 2018 after a defect in the cooling system. Football dominates the sports clubs; however, there is also a focus on indoor handball, ice hockey, cycling and volleyball. In addition, martial arts such as judo, jiu-jitsu, karate, boxing and many more for all age groups are offered in various clubs.
The Golf Clubs Unna-Fröndenberg e. V. (GCUF) and Gut Neuhaus - both in the Fröndenberg area, approx. 5 km from the Unna city limits - have their catchment area mainly in the regions of Unna and Fröndenberg .
In Unna there are four tennis clubs with a total of 25 seats and approx. 730 members (as of the stated membership numbers: spring 2020):
- TC Unna 02 Grün-Weiß, founded in 1902, 10 outdoor courts (brick powder), 2 indoor courts, managed clubhouse, 362 members
- TV bacon board Hemmerde, founded in 1973, 5 free places (brick flour), 139 members
- Tennis department of TV Unna Blau-Weiss-Rot, founded in 1976, 4 outdoor courts (brick powder), 88 members
- Tennis department of SSV Unna Mühlhausen-Uelzen 1949 e. V. , founded in 1987, 4 outdoor spaces (brick powder), 133 members
The TC Unna 02 Grün-Weiß has its own double tennis hall on its club premises. Another 3 indoor spaces are available from a commercial provider.
Concerts and other larger events take place in the Erich-Göpfert-Stadthalle and in the Lindenbrauerei .
Honorary citizen
- Emil Bennemann (1882–1965), longtime councilor
- Adolf Eichholz (1832–1903), mayor
- Erich Göpfert (1912–1988), mayor
- Josef Ströthoff (1884–1963), mayor
Well-known people from Unna
Born until 1900
- Johann Steinwert von Soest , also Johann Grumelkut (1448–1506), singer and poet
- Hermann Alexander Roëll (1653–1718), professor of theology at Utrecht University
- Karl Andreas Duker (1670–1752), philologist, rhetorician, historian, professor and rector of the University of Utrecht
- Friederike von Bodelschwingh (1768–1850), mistress of the Heyde house
- Conrad von Rappard (1805–1881), member of the Frankfurt National Assembly
- Carl Overweg (1805–1876), politician and industrialist, member of the Frankfurt National Assembly, MdR
- Ludwig Josephson (1809–1877), ev.-luth. Pastor, editor and writer
- Theodor Karl Schwartz (1813-1892), Prussian major general
- Ernst von Bodelschwingh (1830–1881), officer and district administrator
- Hermann Cremer (1834–1903), theologian
- Ida von Bodelschwingh (1835-1894), pastor's wife in Bethel
- Johann Wilhelm Spemann (1844–1910), publisher
- Hermann Osthoff (1847–1909), linguist, co-founder of the young grammarians
- Carl Julius Winter (1855–1914), entrepreneur
- Josef Keller (1861–1937), lawyer, Reich judge
- Heinrich Rürup (1876–1954), politician
- Heinrich Roleff (1878–1966), auxiliary bishop in Münster
- Friedrich Seidenstücker (1882–1966), photographer
- Ida Kapp (1884–1979), classical philologist
- Hans Martin Cremer (1890–1953), writer
- Carl Maria Holzapfel (1890–1945), writer and Nazi cultural functionary
- Paul Gmeiner (1892–1944), politician and resistance fighter against National Socialism
- Ernst Herdieckerhoff (1892–1961), chemist
- Rudolf Suthoff-Groß (1894 - lost in Soviet captivity), lawyer, mayor of Lüttringhausen and district mayor in the Berlin district of Wedding
- Friedrich Hoßbach (1894–1980), officer, most recently general of the infantry and army commander during the Second World War, author of the so-called " Hoßbach transcript " (1937)
- Thea Rasche (1899–1971), stunt pilot
Born from 1901 to 1960
- Paul Verhoeven (1901–1975), actor and director
- Carl Heuer (1907–1994), painter
- Hermann Schomberg (1907–1975), actor
- Otto Lehmann-Brockhaus (1909–1999), art historian
- Ernst Graewe (1914–1945), soldier, most recently medical sergeant during the Second World War
- Inge Donnepp (1918–2002), politician (SPD) and state minister
- Wilhelm Buschulte (1923–2013), glass painter, graphic artist, painter
- Manfred Kluge (1928–1971), composer, church musician and music theorist
- Hugo Menze (1931–2015), historian and Germanist
- Willy Timm (1931–1999), city archivist and Unna's most important local historian
- Karl-Heinz Wegmann (1934–1989), German shot putter
- Hans Joachim Specht (* 1936), physicist and university professor
- Klaus Tiedemann (1938–2018), lawyer and university professor
- Heinrich Conrads (* 1940), association official in Ju-Jutsu
- Sibylle Knauss (* 1944), writer
- Werner Kolter (* 1949), Mayor of Unna
- Bodo Nowodworski (* 1949), Mayor of Mettmann
- Roland Pröll (* 1949), pianist
- Rudi Rauer (1950–2014), national handball player
- Johannes Hellermann (* 1957), lawyer and university lecturer
- Reinhard Hoffmann (* 1957), doctor, general secretary of scientific and medical societies
- Rolf Stöckel (* 1957), politician (SPD)
- Petra Reski (* 1958), journalist and writer
- Ralf Michael Ebeling (* 1959), Professor of Business Administration
- Hubertus Knabe (* 1959), historian and director of the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial
- Susanne Riedel (* 1959), writer
- Harald von der Ems (* 1960), TV travel journalist and TV presenter
- Peter Menne (* 1960), production designer, set designer, painter
Born in 1961
- Bettina Fless (1961–2007), actress, playwright, lecturer and theater director
- Bernd Stelter (* 1961), singer and cabaret artist
- Raimon Weber (* 1961), author
- Ina Ruck (* 1962), journalist, Russia correspondent for WDR
- Susanne Weirich (* 1962), artist and art lecturer
- Stefan Jürgens (* 1963), actor and cabaret artist
- Thomas Faust (* 1963), social economist and publicist
- Christoph Kucklick (* 1963), sociologist, journalist and non-fiction author
- Friederike Fless (* 1964), Professor of Classical Archeology, President of the DAI
- Carsten Hütter (* 1964), politician (AfD)
- Dierk Schmidt (* 1965), artist
- Bernd Drücke (* 1965), coordinating editor of the grassroots revolution
- Christian Jürgens , (1968 *) chef with three stars in the Michelin guide awarded
- Sönke Möhring (* 1972), actor
- Giuseppe Reina (* 1972), soccer player a. a. at Borussia Dortmund (1999-2004)
- Lars Gebhardt (* 1973), writer and fanzine writer
- Marco Jakobs (* 1974), athlete and bobsledder
- André Decker (* 1976), director and actor
- Ina Scharrenbach (* 1976), politician (CDU), Minister for Home, Local Affairs, Building and Equality for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Sabine Heinrich (* 1976), moderator
- Daniel Graewe (* 1978), lawyer
- Christofer Heimeroth (* 1981), football player at Borussia Mönchengladbach
- Jannis Bäcker (* 1985), bobsledder
- Henning Tillmann (* 1985), internet activist and politician (SPD)
- Sinja Dieks (* 1986), actress
- Felix Maxim Eller (* 1992), filmmaker
- Lucas Liß (* 1992), racing cyclist
- Rick Zabel (* 1993), racing cyclist
- Liza Kastrup (* 1999), volleyball player
Other Unnaer personalities
- Josef Baron (1920–2020), sculptor, lived in Unna-Hemmerde
- Carl von Bodelschwingh (* 1800 in Hamm, † 1873 in Berlin), Prussian finance minister and master of the Heyde family
- Udo von Bodelschwingh (* 1840 in Hamm, † March 25, 1921 in (Berlin-) Charlottenburg), royal Prussian master of ceremonies and chamberlain, heir to Haus Heyde
- Hartmut Hegeler (* 1946 in Bremen), pastor, educator on the persecution of witches
- Sven Kroll (* 1983 in Ahlen), television presenter
- Carlernst Kürten (* 1921 in Waltrop, † 2000 in Unna), sculptor, lived and worked in Unna
- Gerd Hergen Lübben (* 1937 in Sillenstede / Friesland), poet, cultural and educational worker in Unna (1972–1978)
- Peter Möbius (* 1941), television and playwright, draftsman and stage designer, lives in Unna
- Philipp Nicolai (* 1556 in Mengeringhausen, † 1608 in Hamburg), Lutheran court preacher and pastor as well as song poet, from 1596 to 1601 pastor in Unna
- Ernst Oldenburg (* 1914 in Danzig, † 1992 in Unna), painter and sculptor, lived in Unna-Kessebüren from 1967
- Christoph Friedrich Steffen von Plettenberg (* 1698 in Plettenberg, † 1777 in Haus Heyde), lieutenant general and master of Haus Heyde
- Oskar Rückert (* 1876 in Meiningen, † 1943 in Unna), teacher and Unna local researcher
- Helmut Scherer (* 1934), carnivalist in Unna
- Richard Schrader (* 1911 in Bremen, † 1985 in Unna), mayor
- Ireen Sheer (* 1949 in Basildon, England), pop singer, lived in Unna-Billmerich
- Paul Spruth (* 1902 in Siegen, † 1971 in Unna), teacher and Westphalian local poet
- Fritz Steinhoff (born November 23, 1897 in Dortmund-Wickede, † 1969 in Hagen), politician, grew up in Unna-Massen
- Rolf Teigler (* 1957 in Unna), film critic, film editor, sound engineer, author, director and producer
- Peter Thorwarth (* 1971 in Dortmund), director, grew up in Unna
- Peter Trautner (* 1951 in Essen / Ruhr, † 2017), painter and sculptor, lived in Unna-Stockum
- Carl Wegele (* 1859 in Würzburg, † 1930 in Frankfurt am Main), spa doctor in Königsborn
- Erik Zabel (* 1970 in Berlin), cyclist, lives in Unna-Kessebüren
- Willy Timm : History of the City of Unna. 2nd Edition. Verlag G. Hornung, Unna 1975, ISBN 3-921444-00-4 .
- Wolfgang Patzkowsky: Unna; Walks through history. Sutton, Erfurt 2007, ISBN 978-3-86680-132-5 .
- Heinrich Otten: Church building in the Archdiocese of Paderborn 1930 to 1975 . Bonifatius, Paderborn 2009, ISBN 978-3-89710-403-7 .
Web links
- City of Unna
- Documents from the Unna city archive. Deposited in the State Archive of North Rhine-Westphalia / Digital Westphalian Document Database (DWUD)
- Unna in the Westphalia Culture Atlas
Individual evidence
- ↑ Population of the municipalities of North Rhine-Westphalia on December 31, 2019 - update of the population based on the census of May 9, 2011. State Office for Information and Technology North Rhine-Westphalia (IT.NRW), accessed on June 17, 2020 . ( Help on this )
- ↑ Peter Schönfeld: Between Haarstrang and Hellweg - A Germanic settlement near Unna. Archeology in Westphalia-Lippe 2014, pp. 77–79
- ↑ The Unnaer pastor Philipp Nicolai (1556–1606), under the influence of the plague, wrote the songs How beautifully the morning star shines and Wachet, the voice calls us .
- ^ Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Vol. 1, Bönen 2014, pp. 206 f., 212 f., 215 f., 220 f, 224 f., 227 f., 234 and 238.
- ^ Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Vol. 1, Bönen 2014, p. 240.
- ^ Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Vol. 1, Bönen 2014, p. 251. Turenne had procured the mortars for bombardment with 65 bombs from the Münster allies.
- ^ Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Bönen 2014, p. 292.
- ^ Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Bönen 2014, p. 298.
- ^ Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Bönen 2014, p. 298 f.
- ^ Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Vol. 1, Bönen 2014, pp. 303, 306.
- ^ Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Vol. 1, Bönen 2014, p. 310.
- ^ Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Vol. 2, Bönen 2013, p. 439 f.
- ^ Numbers and situation of forced laborers according to Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Vol. 2, Bönen 2013, p. 428.
- ↑ Hellweger Anzeiger , March 23, 2010 (report by Werner Niederastroth, then an apprentice in the brass factory).
- ^ Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Vol. 2, Bönen 2013, p. 420.
- ^ Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Vol. 2, Bönen 2013, p. 423.
- ↑ http://www.unna24.de/unna/warum-unna-im-2-weltkrieg-noch-glueck-hatte/
- ↑ Stephanie Reekers: The regional development of the districts and communities of Westphalia 1817-1967 . Aschendorff, Münster (Westphalia) 1977, ISBN 3-402-05875-8 .
↑ Martin Bünermann: The communities of the first reorganization program in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1970, p. 65 .
Willy Timm: Unna 1968 - The communal restructuring of the city of Unna and its prehistory. Hellweg-Bücherei Verlag, Unna 1993, ISBN 3-87298-057-2 .
- ↑ The sudden increase in the population in 1795/97 is due to the fact that until then only people were recorded within the city walls and since then also those living in the district and in Königsborn. Quoted from Klaus Basner: Unna. Historical portrait of a city. Vol. 1, Bönen 2014, p. 303.
- ^ Website Unna - Ratsinformationssystem , accessed on October 28, 2018
- ↑ Directories of the results of the local elections for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (LDS NRW) from 1975 to 2009
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20120814075649/http://www.it.nrw.de/wahlprofil/wp05978036.pdf
- ↑ Election results 1999 ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 5.6 MB)
- ↑ 2004 election results ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 6.7 MB)
- ↑ Election results 2009 ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 3.3 MB)
- ^ Ferdinand Schmid : Sources on the history of the city and the parish of Lüdenscheid . Lüdenscheid, S. 0223 , col. 402 .
- ↑ sz-online.de: Ninth Görlitzer OB acquired the Vogtshof for urban purposes . Retrieved February 25, 2012 .
- ↑ Handbook of the council of the district town of Unna ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ^ Emil Franz Rasche, NSDAP; SPD, in: Maria Keipert (Red.): Biographical Handbook of the German Foreign Service 1871–1945. Published by the Foreign Office, Historical Service. Volume 3: Gerhard Keiper, Martin Kröger: L – R. Schöningh, Paderborn u. a. 2008, ISBN 978-3-506-71842-6 , p. 574
- ^ Wolfgang Althaus: 50 years of the district town of Unna (series of publications by the city of Unna, vol. 4), 1980.
- ↑ Main statute of the city of Unna (PDF; 2.1 MB) of November 12, 2004
- ↑ Website Unna - Unna - with the face to the world , accessed on October 28, 2018
- ↑ Smallest mine opens in April. DerWesten, March 9, 2011.
- ↑ Markus Lüpertz and Boris Becker exhibited in the Alte Mühle: “Looking behind things” - Kunstverein Unna is celebrating 50 years in the “1968” style. Retrieved April 10, 2019 .
- ↑ Willy Timm: History of the city of Unna. 2nd Edition. Verlag G. Hornung, Unna 1975, ISBN 3-921444-00-4 , p. 42.
- ↑ Georg Birwer: The Katharinenkirche - a tour. Unna no year, p. 1.
- ↑ Predecessor church ( Memento from July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
- ^ Heinrich Otten: The church building in the Archdiocese of Paderborn 1930 to 1975 . Bonifatius Verlag, Paderborn 2009, ISBN 978-3-89710-403-7 , p. 391.
- ↑ Laying of the foundation stone and consecration ( Memento from July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Interior renovation
- ↑ Conversions
- ↑ Rahlenbeck's court
- ↑ See Klaus Seifert : The most famous Unnaer. In: Ders .: UN believable stories. 66 stories from and about Unna . Dillenburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-032401-7 , pp. 99-100
- ^ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, No. 54/2011, March 5, 2011, front page. Andreas Fasel: Will Unna be a fun town one day? In: Welt am Sonntag, No. 8 MS, February 22, 2009, NRW p. 1
- ↑ See comprehensive inventory as a basis for mobilization ; in: Westfälische Rundschau, May 5, 1972
- ↑ Based on the experiences of the innovative development years of this systematic cultural work, the culture committee of the City Council of Unna advised and adopted its first cultural policy principles on February 7, 1974, and thus in essence the concept for a communal cultural development plan.
- ↑ See culture injection for districts. Activation through citizen participation and initiatives ; in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, July 14, 1972
- ↑ culture at the round table ; in: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, January 10, 1973
- ↑ Advising on the contribution of the Unna Choirs to an “Unna-specific” program ; in: Hellweger Anzeiger, August 30, 1972
- ↑ See Wolfgang Althaus, The cultural life in Unna decisively shaped / scene no. 189; in: Hellweger Anzeiger / KULTUR-MAGAZIN, December 24, 1977.
- ↑ See the regular publications on the Carlernst Kürten Foundation website
- ↑ See music cabinets of the choirs cleared of old holdings ; in: Hellweger Anzeiger, November 13, 1972; therein: Lübben, whose everywhere noticeable attempt to provide the cultural life of the city with new impulses, is also noted with joy by the circle of singers.
- ↑ Malfest should clarify the needs of the little ones. Tomorrow's citizenship needs playgrounds today ; in: Hellweger Anzeiger, August 18, 1972
- ↑ Rainer Zunder, Great success at the children's painting festival on Unna's most colorful market. Even reporters could not escape the thirst for action of the little ones. But: there is often a lack of understanding on the part of adults and teachers ; in: Westfälische Rundschau, August 21, 1972
- ↑ See jazz musician Gunter Hampel thinks of the children's music festival as a counterpart to the children's painting festival on the old market , in: Hellweger Anzeiger, December 13, 1972; It continues: The idea was born at night on the Unnaer Markt: Gunter Hampel and the other members of his "Galaxie Dream Band" roamed the city center after their concert (...) with the head of the cultural department Gerd Hergen Lübben ...
- ↑ Cf. Jazz should enrich cultural offerings , in: Hellweger Anzeiger, May 24, 1972; It goes on to say: The culture committee could not ignore the quality of this offer and gave Lübben the starting signal after an intensive discussion that impressed the experts.
- ↑ So far, u. a. on - partly as a soloist, partly in the current grouping -: Dollar Brand (= Abdullah Ibrahim ), Peter Brötzmann , Han Bennink and Fred Van Hove , Wolfgang Dauner Et Cetera, Gunter Hampel and Jeanne Lee , Albert Mangelsdorff , Dave Pike , Alexander von Schlippenbach , Peter Kowald and Manfred Schoof , Tomasz Stańko , Ralph Towner and, last but not least, Detlef Schönenberg / Günter Christmann + Pina Bausch : See program sheet Jazz aktuell der Stadt Unna, June 12, 1974: Total Music + Free Dance ; also the program leaflet project initiated and edited by Lübben for the city of Unna InformationKulturUnna│iku: "ON THE OTHER SIDE • Texts, Graphics, Concepts, Notes" (20 pages, 1972–1974) with contributions a. a. by Wilhelm Buschulte , Franz Josef Degenhardt , Frank Göhre , Carl Heuer , Hans-Wolfgang Lingemann , Wilhelm Meinecke, Klaus Naumann, Willy Timm , Fred Viebahn .
- ↑ "Dr. Jazz “praises Lübben's series. In: Ruhrnachrichten, November 15, 1972
- ↑ Municipal profile Location profile City of Unna Economic development company for the district of Unna mbH (status: June 3, 2013), p. 5
- ↑ See Mord am Hellweg "Europe's largest international crime festival ' Mord am Hellweg ', organized as a biennial since 2002, will take place for the seventh time in 2014."
- ↑ See cultural operations in the district town of Unna
- ^ Von Zedlitz: The state forces of the Prussian monarchy under Friedrich Wilhelm III. Berlin 1828, vol. 2: The topography, 2nd department, p. 250.
- ↑ VDM Metals. Retrieved July 14, 2017 (company website).
- ↑ Antenna Unna. October 1, 2016, Retrieved July 14, 2017 (message).
- ^ AL Unna, company presentation. May 2020, accessed June 20, 2020 .
- ↑ Primary income in NRW per inhabitant in 2016 by municipalities
- ↑ a b Bus routes in the city of Unna. VKU website, accessed on June 18, 2020
- ^ Friedhelm Feiler: In Memoriam Oskar Rückert. Autumn Leaf No. 32, September 2003. Retrieved July 14, 2014.