Synecdoche (genus)

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Synecdoche impunctata

Synecdoche impunctata

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Schnabelkerfe (Hemiptera)
Subordination : Pointed-head cicadas (Fulgoromorpha)
Family : Real bark leaf hoppers (Achilidae)
Tribe : Plectoderini
Genre : Synecdoche
Scientific name
O'Brien , 1971

Synecdoche is a genus of the real bark cicada with a good 20 species. It is common in the New World, with a focus on North America.


The species of the genus Synecdoche have the typical body shape of the family Achilidae. They reach a body length of about 3 to 6 millimeters and are thus on average somewhat larger than the species of the similar and closely related genus Catonia . They are brown to yellowish in color (a kind of red-brown) with species-specific dark drawing elements. The delimitation of the genus is based on a gender characteristic of the male reproductive organs (the shape of the phallo-base); it cannot be clearly distinguished from related genera on the basis of body shape, coloration and drawing. The following features can be used to differentiate: The proboscis is long (slightly longer than the clypeus ), it reaches the base of the rear hips. In the forewing, the subcostal cell (a wing cell near the front edge) is narrow and long, longer than a third of the wing length. The genital capsule of the male reproductive organs at the tip of the abdomen (called pygofer, the reshaped ninth abdominal segment) is simple and undivided in its middle lobe. The frontal region ( frons ) never has the three-point drawing that is characteristic of the Momar genus . The pronotum is usually shorter in the middle line than the wing scales ( tegulae ) (only longer in one species). Two side keels extend from the rear edge of the eyes to the tegulae.


The genus is mainly known from North America. Several species have been described from the Neotropic , about which almost nothing is known; their membership of the genus requires confirmation. A species described from Vietnam and placed in this genus is considered implausible and is probably incorrectly assigned. The distribution center is in western North America, with most of the species (17) in California. To the north, the genus reaches Canada with five species. In the interior of the continent they are rapidly becoming rarer, only one species ( Synecdoche nemoralis ) is widespread in the west. Only three species occur in eastern North America ( Synecdoche grisea , S. impunctata , S. dimidiata ).

Way of life

The nymphs of Synecdoche species, as is typical for the family, suckle on fungal hyphae, typically they are bound to dead wood . Most of the species are specified in the imaginal stage on Manzanita (various species of the bearberry genus in the heather family), and a few on shrubs of the Baccharis genus (sunflower). Some species are considered polyphagous and have been found on a wide variety of deciduous and conifer species.

Literature and Sources

  • Lois Breimeier O'Brien (1971): The systematics of the tribe Plectoderini in America north of Mexico (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Achilidae). University of California Publications in Entomology 64: 1-79.
  • Genus Synecdoche O'Brien, 1971 . Planthoppers of North America. University of Delaware. accessed on October 8, 2019.