Tânia Tomé

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Tânia Teresa Tomé (born November 11, 1981 in Maputo , Mozambique ) is a Mozambican singer, reciter , composer, presenter, poet, lyricist.

She is a superstar in Mozambique and the Luso African countries. She was best known as a singer and poet.


Tânia Tomé was born in Maputo in 1981. She was already on stage at the age of 3 and at the age of 7 she received her first prize for singing at a competition organized by the World Health Organization . She first appeared as a reciter of poems at the age of 13, she recited poems by José Craveirinha , who became a role model for her as a person and poet. At the age of 17 she went to Portugal to study economics at the Catholic University of Porto . In order to finance this, she worked on the side in restaurants and on the radio and television in small jobs or shot commercials as a model. After completing her studies in Portugal, she returned to Mozambique, where she initially worked as an analyst at a major bank.

She is the mother of a child born in 2009 and lives in Maputo.

Tomé, the artist

As a singer she has performed in Portugal , Nigeria , South Africa and Botswana in addition to her home country Mozambique and met many important African musicians, such as Tito Paris . At the traditional "Festival do Cançao" in Portugal, she even took second place in Porto in one year. In addition to Josè Craveirinha, she counts the novelist Mia Couto among her literary role models. She is also involved in a CD of songs by the Argentine humanist, thinker and writer Silo. She donated the proceeds to needy children and young people in Mozambique and Angola . Later she also becomes a member of AEMO (Association of Mocambiquan writers), the Mozambican writers' association. As a poet she first appeared to a wide audience in 2005; she recited her own poem in the television program " TVZine-Gala 2005 ". As a reciter of poems, she is the most important person of this genre in her country and one of the most important in the lusophonic world. She mainly recites poems by Mozambican poets such as Eduardo Mondlane , poems by Mia Couto, Rui de Noronha , Fernando Couto, Noémia de Sousa , and Marcelina dos Santos . The Lisbon football club Benfica Lisbon commissioned her to write a club poem, which she later recited on Mozambican television in the presence of Eusébio and the President of Benfica. She also worked as a presenter for Mozambican television, where she hosted a music program, for example. In 2009 she took part in the Poetry Africa Festival in Maputo, where she was able to recite many of her own poems.

Her poems have appeared in two anthologies: in 2004 she co-authored Um abraço quente da Lusofonia , an anthology of Lusophonic contemporary poets. In 2009 she participated in the anthology World Poetry Almanac .

Awards (selection)

  • 1st Prize of the World Health Organization for Singing (WHO-Price), 1988.
  • Prize of the Fundaçao Mário Soares for their social commitment
  • Soundcity Music Award



  • Agarra-me o sol por tras (e outros escritos e melodias), 2010 (poems and other texts).


  • Nhin Gugu Haladza-I love you, music CD (text, song, composition).
  • Amor e bom, music CD. (Text, song, composition).
  • Showesia, music CD .. (text, song, composition).
