Technical and commercial training institute

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In Austria there are five schools which are called Technical and Commercial Central Teaching Institutes ( TGLA ) and report directly to the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research .

The sub-area TGLA together with the area of ​​the agricultural and forestry educational institutions  (LFLA) form the central teaching institutions  (ZLA).

The difference to AHS, BMHS and BS

The technical and commercial central teaching institutions are subject, like the land u. central forestry schools , not an education directorate , but directly to the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research . This is primarily due to historical reasons, because these schools are among the oldest vocational schools in Austria and were founded during the time of the monarchy (the Spengergasse e.g. by Maria Theresia ). The fact that this status still exists today is due to the interest of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research in being able to try out new ideas in an uncomplicated manner in the context of school trials.

Associated educational institutions

The technical and commercial educational institutions include:

TGLA in the student council

The tGLA have both the Federal Student Council , and in the central educational institution Student Council (ZSV, comparable to the new national student councils) has its own seat and therefore represented together with 27 other federal student representatives 1.1 million students in Austria .

Previous TGLA speakers

See also

Web links