Education Day

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The day of education is committed to equitable education, regardless of origin or social background of the people. It was launched in 2015 by three non-profit organizations : the Stifterverband , the SOS Children's Villages worldwide and the German Children and Youth Foundation . These three organizations want to raise public awareness of the topic of education in a new way and in one day and thus initiate a social discussion.

The first day of education took place on December 8, 2015 in Berlin. Since then, the day of action has taken place annually and is aimed at the key players from politics , associations, trade unions , science , business and the media.

Events and promotions

Since the Day of Education 2017, educators in Germany and worldwide have been invited to hold events and campaigns on the Day of Education.

Under the hashtag #TagderBildung, campaigns are carried out annually in social networks to bring the topic of education into the public eye. Numerous users take part in the debate on education every year.

Prominent supporters

Numerous education ambassadors support Education Day:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. FAQ - Frequently asked questions. In: Retrieved October 25, 2018 .
  2. Event card . In: Education Day . August 17, 2017 ( [accessed November 8, 2018]).
  3. ↑ Educators can now register their own actions . In: Education Day . September 29, 2017 ( [accessed November 8, 2018]).
  4. Hashtag #tagderbildung on Twitter. Retrieved November 8, 2018 .
  5. Education Ambassador . In: Retrieved October 26, 2018 .