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Talaimenes ( ancient Greek Ταλαιμένης Talaiménēs ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

The Maionier Talaimenes was the father of Antiphos and Mesthles he with a nymph , possibly Gygaie, the nymph of the lake gygäischen northwest of Sardis , had. But the related passage in Homer could also be related to the origin of the Talaimenes from this lake. The sons led the Maionier how the Lydians were also called by the Greeks, from the Lydian Tmolos -Gebirge the Trojans in the war against the Greeks as a support to and fell according Dares in combat with Diomedes .



  1. Homer, Iliad 2,864.
  2. ^ Richard Wagner : Antiphos 3 . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume I, 2, Stuttgart 1894, Col. 2530.
  3. Homer, Iliad 2,864-866; 17.216; Library of Apollodor Epitome 3.35; Dictys 2.35; Dares 18.
  4. Dares 21