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Таналы́к, Таналыҡ
Water code RU12010000312112200002769
location Bashkortostan , Orenburg Oblast ( Russia )
River system Ural
Drain over Urals  → Caspian Sea
source Irendyk Mountains ( Southern Urals )
52 ° 42 ′ 36 ″  N , 58 ° 21 ′ 40 ″  E
muzzle Iriklinski Reservoir Coordinates: 51 ° 52 '10 "  N , 58 ° 38' 26"  E 51 ° 52 '10 "  N , 58 ° 38' 26"  E

length 225 km
Catchment area 4160 km²
location: 59 km above the mouth
2.96 m³ / s
Small towns Baimak
Course of the Tanalyk (Таналы́к) in the Ural catchment area

Course of the Tanalyk (Таналы́к) in the Ural catchment area

The Tanalyk ( Russian Таналы́к ; Bashkir Таналыҡ ) is a right tributary of the Urals in Bashkortostan and in the Orenburg Oblast in Russia .

The Tanalyk has its source in the Irendyk Mountains in the Southern Urals . It flows mainly in a southerly direction through the southeast of the Republic of Bashkortostan, finally reaches the Orenburg Oblast and, after 225 km, flows into the Iriklinski reservoir through which the Urals flow . The small town of Baimak lies on the river . The river is mainly fed by the snowmelt . The average water flow 59 km above the mouth is 2.96 m³ / s. The Tanalyk dries for 8-10 months. It is covered with ice from the end of October / beginning of November. In April it will be ice-free again.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Article Tanalyk in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D108821~2a%3DTanalyk~2b%3DTanalyk
  2. a b Tanalyk in the State Water Register of the Russian Federation (Russian)