Temel Cingöz

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Temel Cingöz (* 1941 in Seferihisar , Izmir Province , † May 27, 1991 in Adana ) was a Turkish Brigadier General of the Gendarmerie ( Jandarma ) .


After finishing school, Cingöz began his officer training at the Army School ( Kara Harp Okulu ) , which he completed in 1960. This was followed by further training at the infantry school (Piyade Okulu) , which he finished in 1961, and at the officers' school of the gendarmerie (Jandarma Subay Okulu) , which he graduated in 1964. In the following decades between 1964 and 1988 he was used as an officer in gendarmerie units in the provinces of Batman , Mardin , Hakkâri , Elazığ and Bitlis and was most recently commander of the gendarmerie regiment in the ProvSiirt . During this time, he was heavily criticized and threatened for the tough crackdown on the units of his regiment in southeastern Turkey, in particular by the deputy chairman of the IHD ( İnsan Hakları Derneği ) human rights organization , Zübeyir Aydar , who won the election on October 20, 1991 for the Kurdish People's Party HEP ( Halkın Emek Partisi ) had been elected as a member of the Grand National Assembly.

After completing his service in Siirt Province, Cingöz was promoted to Brigadier General (Tuğgeneral) in 1990 and appointed commander of the gendarmerie in Adana Province. On May 23, 1991, he was assassinated in front of his house, in which four activists of the Marxist - socialist militant organization Devrimci Sol shot him. Despite an operation subsequently carried out in the Çukurova Üniversitesi hospital , he died four days later on May 27, 1991 in Adana. Within a week, the Dev-Sol assassinated other officers, killing the former Lieutenant General İsmail Selen on May 24, 1991 and the former Lieutenant General Hulusi Sayın on May 30, 1991 in Ankara.

Web links

  • Entry in Kim Kimdir? (Who is who?)