Field sawfly

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Field sawfly
Field sawfly (Tenthredo campestris)

Field sawfly ( Tenthredo campestris )

Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Family : Sawfly (Tenthredinidae)
Subfamily : Tenthredininae
Genre : Tenthredo
Subgenus : Endotethryx
Type : Field sawfly
Scientific name
Tenthredo campestris
Linnaeus , 1758

The field sawfly ( Tenthredo campestris ) belongs to the family of the true sawfly (Tenthredinidae) in the order of the hymenoptera (Hymenoptera).


The field sawfly is black and has an orange-red central band. This is wider in the female image than in the male. Their antennae (with seven to nine segments) like legs are (orange to) yellow with orange-brownish to black coxae . Their wings are (milky) translucent and are laid on top of each other at rest. Their forewings are missing a subcostal vein .

Male adults (adult sawfly) reach a size of about eight to twelve millimeters; Females from eight to 14 millimeters.


The area of ​​distribution of the sawfly stretches in the northern Palearctic from southern Scandinavia to the Mediterranean Sea and Asia . If there is sufficient moisture, it can be found on the edges of forests, on hedges, in bushes or in gardens, and occasionally even on dry grassland , wet meadows such as in parks. There also will be happy Doldenblütler visited.

Way of life

The eggs of the sawfly are yellow to red-brown in color and are deposited individually or in packages on their host plants. The yellowish larvae of the sawfly have antennae with four to five segments. If they are disturbed, they adopt an S-shaped posture. Because they resemble caterpillars , they are also known as anal caterpillars . Three pairs of legs in the chest area and eight on the abdomen are used to distinguish z. B. of caterpillars . They like to feed on the leaves of the ground elder . Larvae in large numbers can cause damage to eat. Adult and sexually mature forms of the field sawfly prefer pollen, nectar, honeydew and small insects.

The field sawfly flies in summer from May to midsummer.

The field sawfly is not endangered and is therefore not under nature protection.

Individual evidence

  1. Field sawfly - Tenthredo campestris sawfly sawfly sawfly black brown wings real photos. In: Retrieved January 28, 2015 .

Web links

Commons : Field Sawfly ( Tenthredo campestris )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files