Thuringian Muschwitz

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Thuringian Muschwitz
Water code DE : 56168
location District of Hof , Saale-Orla district
River system Elbe
Drain over Selbitz  → Saale  → Elbe  → North Sea
source at Schlegel
50 ° 23 ′ 59 ″  N , 11 ° 34 ′ 46 ″  E
Source height approx.  645  m
muzzle in Lichtenberg -Blechschmidtenhammer in the Selbitz coordinates: 50 ° 23 '41 "  N , 11 ° 41' 29"  E 50 ° 23 '41 "  N , 11 ° 41' 29"  E
Mouth height approx.  425  m
Height difference approx. 220 m
Bottom slope approx. 25 ‰
length 8.9 km

The Thüringische Muschwitz is a 9.4 km long border stream between Bavaria and Thuringia.


Like the Franconian Muschwitz, it rises on the watershed between the Elbe and the Rhine near the 726 meter high Kulmberg near Schlegel . It flows into the Selbitz from the left and west at Blechschmidtenhammer, a district of the city of Lichtenberg in the Bavarian district of Hof , and a little before Blankenstein in the Thuringian Saale-Orla district .


The entire stream and the adjacent valley zones are designated as a nature reserve with an area of ​​22 hectares.

Origin of name

The origin of the name is not clear, but probably of Slavic origin. In this case, it can be traced back to Moš'ovica (Moosbach), which actually means moss . The Thuringian Muschwitz would thus be the Thuringian Moosbach.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Elfriede Ulbricht: The river basin of the Thuringian Saale. A name-based investigation (= German-Slavic research on naming and settlement history. No. 2, ISSN  0070-3893 ). Max Niemeyer, Halle (Saale) 1957, (at the same time: Leipzig, University, dissertation, 1954).