The Man in the High Castle (TV series) / Season 4

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Season 4 of The Man in the High Castle
Episodes 10
Country of production United States
Initial release Nov 15, 2019 on Amazon Prime Video

First publication in German
Nov 15, 2019 on Amazon Prime Video
◀   Season 3
Episode list

The fourth season of the US television series The Man in the High Castle consists of ten episodes and has so far only been released via subscription video-on-demand . On Amazon's VoD service Prime Video , the season has been available since November 15, 2019, both in the original version and in the German-language dubbed version.


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German title Original title Director script
31 1 Hexagram 64 Hexagram 64 Daniel Percival Wesley Strick
Juliana moves to a different world, not ruled by the Nazis. A year later, in 1964, she works as a concentration teacher in Bailey's Crossroads, Virginia . The parents of Thomas Smith, who is one of his students, are ordinary citizens there. While working, she has visions of herself in an apocalyptic area in which, among other things, a person crumbles to dust, which prompts her to research books and make notes on a so-called " hexagram 64". At the same time, Tagomi is assassinated in the "main world". At his mourning ceremony, the Japanese crown princess makes critical comments to the detriment of the political rulers. Under John Smith's direction, the American Nazis march into the neutral zone with the aim of ruling all of North America, and many resistance fighters are killed. Helen now lives with the children with her brother Hank in Montana in the neutral zone and enjoys being able to express her opinion much more freely there. After John unsuccessfully asked her to move back to New York with him, he leaves with his two daughters against Helen's will. In the Japanese Pacific states , Kido lets the Kempeitai search for Tagomi's murderers with a hard hand in the population and also make arbitrary arrests. Dark-skinned resistance fighters have organized themselves into the Black Communists Rebellion (BCR) group, which includes Bell Mallory and her partner. The Kempeitai seize a dark-skinned man and find in him the murder weapon of the Tagomi assassination attempt and an autobiography of the BCR founder Equiano Hampton, but the man denies having anything to do with the assassination attempt. When he is arrested, Kido has the man tortured in front of Kido's son Toru, a Kempeitai, whereby Toru loses his self-control. Bell comes into contact with Wyatt Price, who is hoping to get new weapons from the BCR.
32 2 The attack Every Door Out ... Nelson McCormick Julie Hébert
Juliana learns in her world that the head of the US nuclear program recently passed away. She deduces from this that the Nazis from the other world must be responsible. A little later at night she notices in her house that she is being watched by someone in a car on the street, which drives away shortly afterwards. In the world ruled by the Nazis, Smith was once again demonstrated by Mengele that the Nazi Empire was able to switch between the worlds of the multiverse. Smith also learns how his alter ego lives in the other world in which Juliana is now, and accidentally notices Juliana in a photo in a newspaper from there. Meanwhile, Smith's daughters are back in New York. The elder daughter Jennifer and a schoolmate are caught by her father listening to a record that comes from the neutral zone, and then John does not reprimand with full success for not doing so in the future. The man arrested by the Kempeitai died during interrogation and, at the behest of Kido's superior, General Yamori, is publicly proclaimed as the culprit of the Tagomi assassination. Toru, honored for his performance in the Manchurian War, was traumatized by the war and, to the displeasure of his father, was unable to bring himself to don the medal for an upcoming interview. Wyatt Price and some of his friends help Bell and the BCR prepare an assassination attempt on high-ranking Japanese. It is supposed to take place in a villa during an art auction organized by Childan and also to be visited by the Japanese Masuda, on whom the BCR praised for his special cruelty. wants to avenge the blacks. In preparation for the auction, Childan receives an unexpected visit from the Crown Princess.
33 3 The box The Box John Fawcett Kalen Egan
Juliana sees her life endangered and therefore turns to the John Smith in her current world to help her if she is threatened again. Immediately after this conversation, a killer sent by Reichsmarschall Smith tries to murder Juliana. He does not succeed in this through the intervention of John Smith, who has previously been asked for help, but who is stabbed to death by the killer. Meanwhile, Helen Smith has traveled back to New York to be with her daughters and to support her husband with the Führer’s upcoming visit. Nevertheless, she informs John that she is no longer giving her marriage great opportunities. Takeshi Kido is now certain that the person who died during interrogation could not possibly be Tagomi's murderer, but Yamori falls on deaf ears. Toru Kido, traumatized and psychologically unstable through his deployment in the Manchurian War, kills a man in a conflict in a bar. His father Takeshi confronts him, with Toru distancing himself from his father, who then disowned him. Due to the conflict with his son, Takeshi neglects his planned presence at the art auction. Just before the resistance fighters around Wyatt Price and Bell Mallory attack the guests and Japanese officials in the villa, he learns of Wyatt's forged identity and warns the security forces in the villa by phone. The assassins can still kill Masuda and two Japanese ministers, but there are also casualties in Wyatt's team. Childan saves himself in a car and arrives at the BCR base, where, in order to avoid his execution as an alleged Japanese supporter, he opposes. Bell makes an offer to establish contact with the Crown Princess on behalf of the BCR, which allegedly supports political efforts by some Japanese to withdraw from the Pacific states.
34 4th Home to a foreign country Happy trails Rachel Leiterman Mark Richard
In return for sparing his wife, Hawthorne Abendsen is forced by the Nazis to take part in propaganda video recordings that show a world ruled by blacks and in which the American dream is conveyed to Aryans as a nightmare. The Himmler couple visited the Smith family in their New York apartment and made critical remarks about loyalty to the Nazi line that worried John and Helen. During the visit it also became clear that the Führer was in poor health. Wyatt Price leaves the BCR base with a truckload of weapons. The letter, written by Childan for the BCR, with the offer to let arms rest in exchange for peace negotiations, reaches the Crown Princess. She informs Admiral Inokuchi that she, the Crown Prince and the Emperor will accept the offer. Inokuchi agrees to keep the imperial stance against the Japanese political leaders secret. Inokuchi's loyalty to Yamori has not remained hidden from the imperial family, which is why he assigns Kido to monitor Inokuchi. He also calls on Kido to use all means to retaliate for Masuda's murder. Kido sets a trap for Kempeitai captain Iijima and finds out that he was involved in the assassination attempt on Tagomi. Meanwhile, in Washington, DC , Julianna strolls through her thoughts back to the world where the Nazis won the war. After a short detention, from which she escaped, she went into hiding in the local resistance. Reichsmarschall Smith learns of the death of his alter ego in the other world and of the likely return of Julianna, which he then has to look for. Then, as part of a covert operation, he goes into the world, disguised as a civilian, from which Julianna recently came.
35 5 Mauvaise Foi Mauvaise Foi Charlotte Brändström David Scarpa
John Smith has changed world and lives in the village of Bailey's Crossroads, the life of his recently killed alter ego. He enjoys being close to his wife and his son, who is still alive there. In a restaurant, he and Thomas witness racist harassment against black people. When John's close friend Daniel visits that evening, John remembers, moved to tears, the year 1946, shortly after the Nazis came to power in North America. At that time Daniel, unlike John, had decided against submitting to the Nazis and had been arrested while fleeing from them. As a Nazi officer, John failed to free Daniel from a prisoner transport. Meanwhile, Wyatt Price has arrived in Julianna's refuge, where they exchange tenderness with each other and, together with other rebels, form new resistance actions. In doing so, Julianna focuses on Helen Smith. Meanwhile, Admiral Inokuchi, as the unofficial negotiator of the Crown Princess, meets with BCR leader Equiano Hampton, who expresses the goal that blacks get their own, independent state and that the Japanese should pull away. As a token of goodwill, Hampton expects the Crown Princess to suspend punitive measures against the blacks by the Kempaitei. At the end of the meeting, Hampton is shot dead by snipers who are under Kido's supervision, and Kido has Inokuchi arrested for high treason. The search pressure on the BCR members increases. When he leaves the BCR hiding place, a BCR member secretly spares Childan from death and helps him escape.
36 6th Caught between the worlds All serious daring Julie Hébert Lolis Eric Elie
Shortly before leaving for his homeworld, John Smith is shaken by the experience that his son has been drafted into the alternative world as a soldier in the Marine Corps for use in the Vietnam War . Since John does not want to lose him a second time, he makes the decision to bring Thomas back and after his return he asks Abendsen what the consequences would be. Meanwhile, Juliana believes in the pro-National Socialist television speeches to which Abendsen is forced by the Reich Propaganda Ministry to recognize a secret code that could be of use to the resistance. Despite the great skepticism of her supporters, she sets out to New York, accompanied by Wyatt Price, in order to win Helen Smith as a possible resistance assistant. After John's return to New York it becomes clear again that Helen feels trapped in the apartment and is no longer convinced of the Nazi ideology. Her youngest daughter's pro-Aryan behavior seems to reinforce this opinion. Meanwhile, Bell Mallory proposes to her helpers an attack on a vital oil pipeline for the Japanese on the California coast in order to spread the public message that the BCR is by no means in dissolution after Hampton's death. Meanwhile, General Yamori arbitrarily starts a military trial against Admiral Inokuchi and sentenced him to death for high treason and as a suspected supporter of the assassination attempt on Tagomi. Convinced of Inokuchi's innocence, Kido refuses to give evidence, but is still forced by Yamori to execute the sentence. Instead of executing Inokuchi according to the orders, however, Kido turns against Yamori, shooting Captain Iijima, whom he believed Yamori had ordered the assassination attempt on Tagomi. Kido has Yamori arrested and is then praised by the Crown Princess for his courage.
37 7th Boom, boom, boom, boom No Masters But Ourselves Richard Heus Wesley Strick
Helen Smith asks Margarete Himmler for advice on what she can do to rehabilitate herself and prove her loyalty to the National Socialist party. Margarete emphasizes that the most important thing is fulfilling her role as a caring wife. Thereupon Helen goes on her own initiative to a television cooking show on Reichsfernssehen, in which she emphasizes, among other things, honesty as a recipe for success in her 20-year marriage. Nonetheless, she lies to the public by stating that in a certain situation shortly after the Nazis came to power in America, no one was present. In fact, John's friend Daniel was also present at the time, who then fled from the Nazi occupiers. Meanwhile, in a hiding place in Harlem , Juliana and Wyatt prepare to contact Helen and, with the help of other resisters, also spy on Jennifer Smith. Meanwhile, the BCR, now led by Bell Mallory, is putting its plan into action along the California coast to sabotage the fuel supply infrastructure of the Japanese occupiers. At least 20 explosions occur in San Francisco and other locations, including ships. Childan is arrested by the Kempaitei and tells Kido about the time of his imprisonment that the BCR members are not as primitive as he previously thought. During the explosions, Kido releases him again. Impressed by the attacks, but also by Childan's statements, Kido recommends to the imperial leadership that Japan could win a loss-making war against the BCR, but should not wage it. Two days later, the Kaiser announced the withdrawal of the Japanese from the American Pacific states live on television. As a result, Yamori committed suicide in prison.
38 8th Nothing is forever Hitler Has Only Got One Ball Frederick EO Toye Jihan Crowther
While the Japanese occupiers are withdrawing from the American Pacific states, Childan accepts an invitation from the Crown Princess to travel to Japan. On this occasion he marries his Japanese friend Yukiko. Toru Kido refuses to be ordered to be evacuated and owes drug use to Yakuza boss Okami, whom Takeshi Kido turns to find Toru. When Takeshi tries to go to Okami, he is kidnapped by white rebels who want to execute him as punishment for the Kempeitai's crimes against the civilians. However, a few BCR members appear at the last second to save him from hanging and imprison him. Okami later offers the BCR to help her manage her regained state. Hawthorne Abenden's wife takes her own life in prison, about which Hawthorne is deeply shaken, so that he comes under medical supervision. When John Smith asks about him there, he calls out to John that he is cursed and that he will remain a traveler between the worlds. Meanwhile, Juliana, supported by Wyatt and other rebels, contacts Helen Smith at a shopping mall and informs her that John knows that Thomas is still alive and where he is. In fact, John is secretly informed about Thomas's well-being in the alternative world. Hoover asked John Smith to monitor every person in the population around the clock in order to detect subversive people. The first test runs for the surveillance also produce sound recordings that could harm John. That is why his adjutant advises him not to go to Berlin ordered by Himmler and suggests that the American Nazi empire should break away from Berlin by using atomic bombs.
39 9 Whom the clock strikes For want of a nail John Fawcett Mark Richard, David Scarpa
Leaflets that airplanes drop over San Francisco call on the population to resist the blacks and announce the imminent invasion of the West American states by the Nazis. White rebels demand that the BCR hand over Takeshi Kido to them, but Mallory Bell refuses because the BCR does not want to be involved in lynching. When Childan wants to go on board one of the last ships to Japan with Yukiko, he is refused entry and has to stay behind. While John Smith is in Berlin, Helen secretly watches the films he has kept, which show the Smith family including Thomas in the parallel world. Helen then meets with Juliana on the pretext of a hospital visit, who assures her that John is not being honest with her. Juliana asks Helen for information about when John will next take the train to the portal that is used to switch between the worlds. At the meeting, Helen's bodyguard Martha becomes suspicious and is therefore killed by Wyatt and Juliana. Upon her return home, she learns from her housekeeper that her entire apartment has been bugged on Hover's behalf. Meanwhile, in Berlin, also through the wiretapping protocols obtained from Hoover, the Nazi allegiance of John and his family to Himmler and his general staff is questioned. During a one-to-one conversation by Himmler, John murdered the Führer, who was suffering from breathing problems, with Zyklon B , which was used to secretly replace his oxygen bottle. When Himmler's staff is murdered at the same time - including Adolf Eichmann - it turns out to the viewer that John has conspired with Himmler's adjutant Wilhelm Görtzmann. John also murders Hoover and then divides the empire with Görtzmann, so that John retains control of North America and Görtzmann receives that over the rest.
40 10 The fire of the gods Fire from the Gods Daniel Percival David Scarpa
When white rebels try to seize Takeshi Kido, he uses a ruse to free himself from his custody. While Childan receives a ticket for the crossing to Japan in exchange for his art shop from Okami, Takeshi appears at Okami, from whom he receives toru as requested, but not without first ritually joining the yakuza. Takeshi does not accompany his son to Japan, but stays in San Francisco, where he still has to make amends. Meanwhile, John Smith and his General Staff initiate the so-called "Phase V", the recapture of the western states previously occupied by Japan. The plan also includes the deportation of the non-Aryan population to concentration camps and their murder in gas chambers . When Helen Smith is shocked to learn of these killing plans, she gives Juliana the date for John's train journey to the portal in the Pocono Mountains. The resistance then organized a bomb attack on the railway line. Helen can no longer avoid her ride. Since John, however, has learned of Martha's death, he, having grown suspicious, confronts Helen on the train, confirming that she had been contacted by the resistance. John explains to her the possibility of being able to travel to the other world with the portal so that they could bring Thomas back together. Helen rejects this, however, because out of contempt for the Nazi ideology, she and John cannot imagine parenting for Thomas. Shortly before the attack on the train, John gives the final order to attack San Francisco. As a result of the assassination, Helen dies and John is injured. Fled into the forest and threatened by Juliana at gunpoint, he committed suicide with a shot in the head. In addition to the place where Juliana found him, she also sees the hexagram she perceived in a vision some time ago. After the news of John's death, a proxy has the attack on San Francisco canceled seconds before it was scheduled to begin. The resistance members take control of the portal, free Hawthorne Abendsen and make sure that the portal opens, which means that people from other worlds come in. Juliana and Wyatt watch as Abendsen is the only one to step in the opposite direction through the portal.


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