The World Is Rich

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Original title The World Is Rich
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1947
length 46 minutes
Director Paul Rotha
script Arthur Calder-Marshall
production Paul Rotha
music Clifton Parker
camera Wolfgang Suschitzky
  • Roy Plomley, Michael Clarke,
    Michael Orrom

The World Is Rich is a 1947 British documentary directed by Paul Rotha that was nominated for an Oscar in 1948 .


The film thematizes the devastation that prevailed in many places after the Second World War and was accompanied by hunger and other grievances. Incredible images of the devastation, especially in Europe's cities, are not left out, as well as images of starved children that come across as shocking. The slogans of victory and happy ending leave a bitter aftertaste. Different voices present different perspectives, with the sound of the voice also having a supportive effect, depending on what is being said.

It is pointed out that the climate has been permanently affected, which also affects the cultivation of food. Diagrams are shown as a support. The black market practice is also denounced, which in turn supports an already existing imbalance, as only a small part of the people benefits from it and the situation of the others hardly improves. It is true that the FAO, founded in October 1945 , courageously attempted its goals of raising the food and living standards of the peoples, improving the production and distribution of food, improving the living conditions of the rural population, contributing to the development of the world economy and thus to freeing people from hunger tackling many questions could not give real answers. The film more or less promotes the United Nations , including its then first Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, John Boyd Orr , nutritionist and long-time employee of Rotha . He saw in the elimination of hunger in the world a possibility to create lasting peace, since among other things lack and hunger are causes of conflict and unrest, and could lead to war again. As long as profit thinking comes first, it will hardly be possible to give everyone what they need: food.


Windsor Studios / Films of Fact acted as the production company, and the film was distributed by the central office of the Ministry of Information for Nutrition. The film was distributed by the British Lion Film Corporation.

The film was first released in London on January 29, 1948.

Award / nomination

Web links

Individual evidence