Rigiblick Theater

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Zurich - Rigiblick IMG 4334.JPG

The Rigiblick Theater is a guest theater in Zurich with 200 seats that specializes in music theater productions. Successful productions are listed monthly in the repertoire and therefore over a period of years.


The theater is located in the former «Kurhaus Rigiblick» and today's hotel bistro on the Zürichberg at Germaniastrasse 99 in Zürich- Oberstrass . The connection to the public transport network of the VBZ is via the Rigiblick cable car ; This gives rise to the slogan “The only Zurich theater with its own funicular connection”.


The Rigiblick Theater has been culturally used since the mid-1980s on the initiative of the Rigiblick Theater Association . The building, which was built in 1900 and registered in the inventory of the Zurich Monument Preservation, was renovated in 2004. Since then, the house has been run as a theater under professional management. In 2018, the house received an annual municipal subsidy of CHF 350,000 and a cantonal subsidy of CHF 100,000.

game schedule

The varied program mainly includes musical theater, but also drama, dance and literary music evenings. The theater is a guest theater that is also made available by the theater management to professional artists from the independent theater, dance or music scene. Every year around 250 events with around 38,000 spectators take place (as of 2017). In addition to the programmed repertoire performances and the numerous guest performances, there is also the Rigiblick Spezial label , which identifies productions that have been invited by the program committee. A diverse range of different genres can be programmed.

Productions like Goethe's Faust told with songs from rock and pop , which tells the story of Faust, Mephisto and Grete in 80 minutes with the help of drama and music (since 2008), To the Dark Side of the Moon , have met a great demand from the audience the music of the eponymous concept album by Pink Floyd combined with a short text by Ray Bradbury . The music was arranged for string quartet by Daniel Fueter . Daniel Rohr, Eriko Kagawa and the Galatea Quartet play in the piece (since 2009). Azzurro , an Italian recital (since 2008). The salmon of wisdom , an Irish music evening with an Irish love story (told in German). Since 2013, there has been an increasing number of musical homages to rock musicians, with musicians, singers and classical musicians on stage. In addition, the life story of the musician is summarized and the origins of the songs are explained.

Events are also held annually in cooperation with the City of Zurich's Music Platform, the Days for New Music, the Literaturhaus, Quartier-Kultur Kreis 6, Zurich Reads , the Zurich Festival and many other organizations.


The Rigiblick Theater is directed by Daniel Rohr . Brigitta Stahel is responsible for the deputy and management of the artistic office, and Lukas Koller is responsible for the technical management.

In total, the theater, including the bar, comprises around 800 permanent positions. The remaining work is carried out by freelancers (in the bar and till area) and freelancers (in the technology area). Every year, the theater also offers an intern for a theater season the opportunity to gain an insight into the organization.

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.restaurantrigiblick.ch/de
  2. Monument Preservation Inventory of the City of Zurich ( Memento of the original from October 3, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www2.plaene-zuerich.ch


Web links

Commons : Theater Rigiblick  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 23 '17.7 "  N , 8 ° 33' 12.3"  E ; CH1903:  six hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred seventy-two  /  249199