Theodor Friedl

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Theodor Friedl (born February 13, 1842 in Vienna ; † September 5, 1900 in Kirchau , Lower Austria ) was an Austrian sculptor .


Friedl studied at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts with Anton Dominik Fernkorn . His studio was in the former Fürstlich-Dietrichsteinschen Reitschule at Liechtensteinstrasse 37 in Vienna. After his death he was given an honorary grave in the Vienna Central Cemetery . The portrait relief comes from L. Kosig.


Friedl mainly created sculptures and building sculptures for buildings from the Ringstrasse era . Outside of Vienna he also worked for numerous theaters in the monarchy .

Works (selection)

One of the marble sculptures from the group of horse tamers on Maria-Theresien-Platz.
  • Building sculpture (Vienna, Stock Exchange), 1877
  • Building sculpture (Vienna, Arkadenhäuser Reichsratsstrasse 9–11), 1880–83
  • Amor and Psyche (Vienna, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere ), around 1881–82, marble, 192 cm
  • Horse taming group (Vienna, Maria Theresien Platz)


Web links

Commons : Theodor Friedl  - Collection of images, videos and audio files