Theodor Friedrich Trendelenburg

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Theodor Friedrich Trendelenburg (1778) in Göttingen

Theodor Friedrich Trendelenburg (* 1755 in Lübeck ; † 1827 there ) was a German medic.


He came from the north German family of scholars Trendelenburg and was a son of Lübeck's city ​​physician Karl Ludwig Friedrich Trendelenburg . Johann Georg Trendelenburg was one of his younger brothers. From 1777 he studied medicine at the University of Göttingen and received his doctorate there in 1779. med. From this time, his has a silhouette in the silhouettes collection Schubert in the manuscripts department of Goettingen received. He became a doctor in Lübeck and a city physician like his father before. In 1799 he carried out the first smallpox vaccination with cowpox lymph together with the Lübeck doctor Georg Heinrich Behn . Behn obtained the necessary smallpox lymph from Jean de Carro in Vienna. With the Battle of Lübeck in 1806 and the beginning of Lübeck's French era , Lübeck's medical profession was faced with almost insoluble problems in the field of hygiene and care for the wounded. This initially let them come together informally to give the Lübeck Council the necessary advice with one voice. In 1809, Trendelenburg, in collaboration with Behn, played a key role in the formal founding of the Lübeck Medical Association , the oldest professional association of medical professionals in Germany that still exists today. The motto of the foundation was:

"A single person does not help, but someone who unites with many at the right hour!"

- Goethe : The fairy tale

In 1813 Trendelenburg retired as a city physician; the council appointed Heinrich Wilhelm Danzmann as his successor .



  • Theodor Eschenburg (1853–1921): The Lübeck Medical Association during the first 100 years of its existence 1809-1909 , Wiesbaden 1909

Individual evidence

  1. The very first smallpox vaccination in Lübeck had already been carried out by Hans Bernhard Ludwig Lembke on his daughter in 1756, but at that time still through variation .