Theodorus Gerardus Antonius Hendriksen

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Theodorus Gerardus Antonius Hendriksen (born July 27, 1907 in Nieuw-Wehl , † December 20, 2001 in Utrecht ) was a Roman Catholic auxiliary bishop in Utrecht .


Theodorus Gerardus Antonius Hendriksen was ordained a priest on July 24, 1932 .

Pope John XXIII appointed him on January 21, 1961 auxiliary bishop in Utrecht and titular bishop of Eumenia . The Archbishop of Utrecht , Bernard Cardinal January Alfrink , ordained him on 7 March of the same year Bishop ; Joint consecrators were Jozef Willem Maria Baeten , Bishop of Breda , and Martien Antoon Jansen , Bishop of Rotterdam .

As a motto he chose Per Arma Christi . He attended all the sessions of the Second Vatican Council . He resigned from his office on September 9, 1969.

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