Ankara University Faculty of Theology

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The Faculty of Theology of the University of Ankara ( Turkish Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi , English Faculty of Divinity at Ankara University ) is a Muslim - theological faculty at the University of Ankara in the Turkish capital, which in Turkey has a leading role to date (see also Ankara School ).


The theological faculty of Ankara University was founded in 1949. It was founded under the "National Chief" Ismet Inönü as part of the restoration of Islamic higher education by the CHP government of Turkey - before the elections won by the Democratic Party in 1950. The closure of the Theological Faculty of Istanbul University (the former Süleymaniye -Medrese ) in 1933 under the state founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk left Turkey without a higher Islamic educational institution.

The social circumstances that led to the establishment of the theological faculty are described by the social scientist Friederike Braun as follows:

“After the turn to a multi-party system in 1946, the parties made concessions to the Islamic lobby to increase their chances of voting. In 1949, religious instruction in schools was reintroduced and a theological faculty was established at Ankara University; in 1951 religious schools (Imam Hatip schools) were founded. "

Based on the model of the Ankaran faculty, another theological faculty was set up at Ataturk University in Erzurum in 1974 , and various other such faculties were founded in Turkey in the following years.

More recently, the faculty opened its doors to international students with a new study program “Muslim Theology and Religious Studies” in English.

Ankaran school

A theological school or school of thought, known as the Ankara School or Ankaran School, emerged from the theological faculty . The Jesuit and connoisseur of Turkish Islam Felix Körner characterizes them in 2006 as follows:

“But over the past decade a school of thought has emerged within the faculty that shows a certain common ground in thinking: high level, steep theses, courageous acceptance of new approaches, including western ones, an Islamic modernism. The young theologians who represent this self-confidently call themselves the “Ankaran School”. You are represented in the Turkish public with three book series and the trade journal islâmiyât. "

An important representative of this school is the Koran exegete Mehmet Paçacı , who has been Turkey's ambassador to the Vatican since 2014 .


The faculty is divided into the following departments :

  • Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences / Seminar for Philosophy and Religious Studies
    • History of Philosophy
    • Philosophy of Islam
    • Philosophy of Religion
    • Logic
    • History of Religions
    • Sociology of Religion
    • Psychology of Religion
    • Religious Education
  • Department of Islamic History and Arts / Seminar for Islamic History and Arts
    • Turkish-Islamic Literature
    • History of Islam
    • History of Turkish and Islamic Arts
    • Turkish Religious Music
  • Department of Basic Islamic Sciences / Seminar for Basic Islamic Studies
    • Arabic Language and Rhetoric
    • Hadith
    • Islamic Law
    • Islamic Theology
    • Islamic Sects
    • Sufism
    • Canon Law
  • Department of World's Religions / Seminar for World Religions
    • Christianity
    • Indian and Far East Religions
    • Judaism
  • Department of Common Religious Teaching and Its Practice / Seminar for General Religious Teaching and Its Practice
    • Guidance in Religion Services and Public Relations
    • Religious Oratory
    • Special Methods in Religious Education
    • Management and Supervision in Religion Services

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Howard A. Reed (1959: 295): "This unique Turkish Faculty stands at the apex of the formal, public religious system recently established under the Ministry of Education."
  2. On the Süleymaniye Medrese, cf. Yakup Kaya (2016: 75).
  4. Friederike Braun: Gender in Turkish ?: Studies on the linguistic handling of a social category. (Turcologica, Volume 42) 2000, pp. 85 f. in Google Book Search
  5. Religious Education in Turkish Schools - (accessed September 30, 2018)
  6. Ankara University Faculty of Theology opens its doors to international students (new program): Muslim Theology and Religious Studies (English) - accessed on September 30, 2018
  7. How is the Koran to be understood today? Austrian St. Georgs Congregation Istanbul / (accessed on September 30, 2018)
  8. - accessed on September 30, 2018
Theological Faculty of Ankara University (alternative names of the lemma)
Ankara University Faculty of Theology; Faculty of Islamic Theology at Ankara University; Faculty of Theology, Ankara University; Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakanschesi; Faculty of Divinity at Ankara University

Coordinates: 39 ° 56 ′ 12 ″  N , 32 ° 49 ′ 49 ″  E