Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum

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The Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum (ThesCRA) is a multi-volume reference work on the religious cults and rites of antiquity . In addition to evidence of the Greek , Etruscan and Roman religions , evidence of neighboring and earlier cultures are also taken into account in order to show their influences on the religious rituals of the ancient religions. Pictorial representations, monuments and texts are treated equally.

The ThesCRA is structured according to subject areas with delimited content, the basic structure is based on the three levels dynamic , static and evaluative . The dynamic level includes rituals and cult acts such as processions, sacrifices or invocations, the static level includes cult places, cult personnel and cult devices. The evaluation level is dedicated to the combination of dynamic and static elements in both collective and individual cult acts.

  • Volume I: Processions; Victim; Libation; Smoke offering; Christmas gifts (2004)
  • Volume II: Purification; Consecration; Initiation; Heroization, apotheosis; Banquet; Dance; Music; Rites and acts related to cult images (2004)
  • Volume III: Divination; Prayer, gestures and acts of prayer; Gestures and acts of veneration; Hikesie; Asyly; Oath; Curse and curse; Profanation; Magical Rituals (2005)
  • Volume IV: Cult Places; Representations of cult sites (2005)
  • Volume V: Cult Personnel; Cult instruments (2005)
  • Volume VI: Ages, Events and Circumstances of Life: Birth and Infant Age; Childhood and youth; Wedding; Age; Death and burial; Health, disease, medicine; Luck and misfortune. // work, hunting, travel: agriculture; Craft; Trade; Hunt; Fishing; Land travel; Sea Voyage (2011)
  • Volume VII: Festivals and Games (2012)
  • Volume VIII: Private and Public Domain: Private / Public; Domestic cults; Public cults; Clubs and colleges; Institutions (including the army); Monetary economy; Law; Politics, diplomacy; War. // Polarities in religious life: male / female; Inclusion / exclusion. // Religious relationships between the classical world and neighboring cultures: Middle East; Egypt; Scythian World; Thrace; Gaul and Germania; Iberian World (2012)
  • Index (2014)

The development and publication of the thesaurus was supported by the Fondation pour le Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae , based in Basel. The project was led by an editorial committee responsible for the publications. Its members included:

206 authors from various fields and 18 countries have contributed to the volumes.

The volumes are published by the J. Paul Getty Museum .

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