Thomas Seddon

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Thomas Seddon, photograph by Don Kurtz (around 1850)

Thomas Brandon Seddon (born August 28, 1821 in London , † November 23, 1856 in Cairo ) was a British landscape painter in the style of the Pre-Raphaelites .


Thomas Seddon was the son of a cabinet maker who was an apprentice. In 1842 he traveled to France to study oriental art in Paris . On his return to England he designed an oriental style salon for his mother. At the end of the 1840s he went on a study trip to Wales and Brittany , three years later he exhibited these works at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. In 1853 he toured Egypt , where he met William Holman Hunt in Cairo . They traveled together through Egypt and Palestine . After a two-year stay in London, Seddon traveled to Egypt again in October 1856, where he died on November 23, 1856 in Cairo after a brief illness.


  • John P. Seddon: Memoir and Letters of the Late Thomas Seddon. James Nisbet, London 1858

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