Thomas Sigmund

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Thomas Sigmund (born May 24, 1966 in Amberg ) is a German journalist for the Handelsblatt and non-fiction author.


Thomas Sigmund graduated from the Erasmus-Gymnasium Amberg in 1985 . Then he did his military service (last rank: lieutenant of the reserve) and studied law and political science in Regensburg . In 1992 he passed his first state examination there and in 1995 his second state examination. He wrote his master's thesis in political science on the subject of "Europe and cultural federalism". He is married and has a daughter.

Sigmund completed a traineeship at the Straubinger Tagblatt / Landshuter Zeitung media group and then worked there as an editor in the political and business editorial team. In 2000 he moved to the central editorial office of the Handelsblatt in Düsseldorf. In 2004 he went to Berlin and worked as an economic policy correspondent in the parliamentary editorial office, from 2011 on as deputy head of the capital city office. Since 2013 he has been head of the capital city office and head of politics at Handelsblatt.

Prizes and awards

Publications (selection)

  • Alone among enemies? What the state does for our security - and what it doesn't . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2017, ISBN 978-3451378140 .
  • with Sven Afhüppe (Ed.): Europe can do better. How our continent finds new strength. A wake-up call for the economy . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2019, ISBN 978-3451393600 .

Web links