Thomas Skidmore (historian)

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Thomas Skidmore, 2016

Thomas Elliot Skidmore (born July 22, 1932 in Troy (Ohio) - † June 11, 2016 ) was an American historian and specialist in Brazilian history .

Skidmore received his PhD from Harvard University in 1960 with a dissertation on Leo von Caprivi . He then dealt with Latin America after the Cuban Revolution . His postdoctoral research at the same university related to Brazil. From 1966 Skidmore worked at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in Madison , where he became a full professor in 1968 . In 1967 he published Politics in Brazil: 1930-64, An Experiment in Democracy . In 1986 he moved to Brown University .

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Individual evidence

  1. Morre nos EUA aos 83 anos o brasilianista Thomas Skidmore Folha de S. Paulo. Retrieved June 18, 2016
  2. ^ Thomas E. Skidmore Collection . Retrieved July 8, 2009.