Thutmose (vizier under Amenhotep III)

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Thutmose in hieroglyphics
G26 ms s A52

Djehutimes (Djehuti mes [u])
Dḥwti ms (w)
Thot is born

Thutmose was a high ancient Egyptian official from the time of the New Kingdom . He was a Lower Egyptian vizier and probably officiated under Amenhotep III. Viziers were the most important officials in the Egyptian state. From the 18th dynasty the office of vizier was divided into two parts. A vizier officiated in Thebes and was responsible for Upper Egypt . The other vizier was in Memphis and his office was Lower Egypt .

Thutmose is known from various objects. A limestone false door shows him together with the high priest of Ptah Ptahmose, who is his son. The false door comes from his grave in Saqqara , which was discovered shortly before 1824, the exact location of which is no longer known today. Besides his son Ptahmose, another son is known. It is Meriptah, the domain administrator of the mortuary temple of Amenhotep III. was, with which Thutmose probably officiated under this ruler.


  • Beatrix Geßler-Löhr: Comments on the necropolis of the New Kingdom of Saqqara before the Amarna period, I. Graves of Viziers of Lower Egypt. In: D. Kessler, R. Schulz: (Ed.): Commemorative document for Winfried Barta. Frankfurt a. M. 1995, ISBN 363148366X , pp. 144-149.