Tidemann Warendorp

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Tidemann Warendorp (* 1310 in Lübeck ; † 1366 ) was a Lübeck mayor .


Tidemann Warendorp became councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck in 1339. In 1349 he was the city's representative for the later Emperor Charles IV , in order to present him with gifts for his coronation as Roman-German king . In 1351 he was appointed mayor in the council . In 1360 he represented the city diplomatically to King Waldemar IV of Denmark in the run-up to the First Waldemark War .

He was a son-in-law of councilor Eberhard von Alen and father-in-law of the knight Johann Thiesenhusen, who lived in Lübeck . He lived in the house acquired in 1337 at Breiten Strasse 46 and from 1347 the courtyard at St.-Annen-Strasse 13 (built with the Lübeck synagogue since 1879 ). From 1344 to 1345 he was also the owner of Dr.-Julius-Leber-Straße 37–39. Today the Haasenhof stands there .


  • Rafael Ehrhardt: Family and Memoria in the City. A case study on Lübeck in the late Middle Ages. Dissertation, Göttingen 2001. Full text with a prosopography of the council families von Alen, Darsow, Geverdes, Segeberg and Warendorf. Under Warendorp-B .
  • Emil Ferdinand Fehling : Lübeckische Ratslinie , Lübeck 1925, No. 352