Titanium (harris)

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Titan is a historical novel by the writer Robert Harris . The work is the second part of the trilogy about Marcus Tullius Cicero . The book was published on October 8, 2009 under the original title "Lustrum" by Hutchinson, the German translation in the same month by Heyne Verlag .


A detailed description of the plot is dispensed with with reference to Cicero's biography .

As in the first part of the trilogy, the plot is depicted from the perspective of Cicero's house slave Tiro . The first part of the book covers his time as consul for 63 BC. And describes his role in uncovering and judging the conspiracy of Catiline , for which he was honored as pater patriae (father of the fatherland). The second part covers the period from 62 to 58 BC. BC and has the theme of the Bona Dea scandal , the ensuing hostility to Publius Clodius Pulcher , as well as the development of the relationship with Gaius Iulius Caesar , and ends with the departure of Cicero and Tirus from Rome.

The third and final part of the biography, Dictator , closes the Cicero trilogy.


In the review on Deutschlandradio Kultur Harris was certified for the novel “great skill” : “Sometimes he pulls together, sometimes he unfolds certain situations.” Harris not only succeeds in “telling the life of Cicero like an exciting thriller, he also manages it to remain true to the historical material ” . Furthermore, Titan is "excellently researched" . The Berlin literary criticism expressed itself similarly and judged that Harris created "authentic scenes" .


Individual evidence

  1. Tobias Lehmkuhl : Political crime thriller from antiquity In: Deutschlandradio Kultur, January 29, 2010
  2. ^ Elisabeth Werthern: Political thriller about "Titan" Cicero In: Berliner Literaturkritik, January 21, 2010