Robert Harris

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Robert Harris (2008)

Robert Dennis Harris (born March 7, 1957 in Nottingham , England ) is a British journalist , non-fiction author and writer .


Robert Harris was educated at Selwyn College of Cambridge University literature English. He then worked as a BBC reporter, political editor for The Observer newspaper and a columnist for the Daily Telegraph . He is currently a regular columnist for the Sunday Times . His first novel, Fatherland ( dt. , Fatherland ') was published in 1992. Vaterland takes place in 1964 in the Berlin of a National Socialist Germany that did not lose the Second World War . Published in German translation by the Swiss Haffmans Verlag in 1992, it initially did not find a publisher in Germany due to the problematic issue. It was not until 1994 that the novel was published as a paperback by Heyne Verlag in Munich.

Fatherland was Robert Harris' first bestseller, translated into 30 languages ​​and with a circulation of more than six million copies. In his other novels, too, Harris took historical events as the basis for the plot, mixing fiction and reality. For example, the trilogy Imperium , Titan and Dictator is about the life story of Cicero . Harris tries to be as true to the facts as possible. Ghost , a novel about a politician's ghostwriter, was seen as a reckoning with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair , with whom Harris was long friends. The director Roman Polański filmed the novel in 2010 with Ewan McGregor as ghostwriter and Pierce Brosnan in the role of politician Adam Lang. The script for The Ghostwriter earned Polański and Harris the European Film Prize . After the Brexit referendum, Harris joined the Labor Party . Polanski filmed the book about the Dreyfus affair The Officer and the Spy in 2019 under the title J'accuse with the participation of Harris as a screenwriter. The film was awarded the Grand Jury Prize in Venice in 2019 .

Robert Harris is married with four children. He currently resides in Berkshire with his wife, Gill Hornby and two children . His brother-in-law is the writer Nick Hornby .




  • with Jeremy Paxman: A higher form of killing. The secret history of B and C weapons . Econ , Düsseldorf 1983, ISBN 978-3-430-14052-2 (Original title: A Higher Form of Killing. Secret Story of Gas and Germ Warfare. 1982. Translated by Norbert Juraschitz).
  • Selling Hitler. The Story of the Hitler Diaries. Faber & Faber, London 1986.
  • Good and Faithful Servant. The Unauthorized Biography of Bernard Ingham. Faber & Faber, London 1990.
  • Gotcha! The Government, the Media and the Falklands Crisis . Faber & Faber , London 1983, ISBN 978-0-571-13052-8 .
  • The Making of Neil Kinnock . Faber & Faber, London 1984, ISBN 978-0-571-13267-6 .


Cicero trilogy

Other novels

Short story


  • Pompeii. 2007 (not made into a film).
  • with Roman Polański : The Ghost Writer. 2008 (see adaptations / feature films).
  • with Roman Polański: Intrigue (J'accuse) . 2019 (see adaptations / feature films).


Feature films

Television series

radio play

Audio books

Cicero trilogy:

other novels:

  • Enigma. Heyne audio book 1999, read by Wolf Schneider , 5 CDs, 5 h 41 min, ISBN 978-3-453-16583-0 .
    • also available unabridged as download, Random House Audio 2012, read by Karlheinz Tafel , 14 h 9 min.
  • Ghost. Random House Audio 2007, read by Hannes Jaenicke, 6 CDs, 6 h 38 min, ISBN 978-3-86604-706-8 .
  • Pompeii. Random House Audio 2011, read unabridged by Karlheinz Tafel, 12 h 34 min, only available as a download.
  • Fear. Random House Audio 2011, read by Hannes Jaenicke, 1 MP3-CD, 6 h 53 min, ISBN 978-3-8371-2101-8 .
    • also available unabridged as a download, 9 h 58 min.
  • Aurora. Random House Audio 2012, read unabridged by Karlheinz Tafel, 14 h 57 min, only available as a download.
  • Fatherland. Random House Audio 2012, read unabridged by Karlheinz Tafel, 3 MP3 CDs, 13 h 10 min, ISBN 978-3-8371-1602-1 .
  • Intrigue. Random House Audio 2013, read by Hannes Jaenicke, 6 CDs, 6 h 53 min, ISBN 978-3-8371-2178-0 .
    • also available as a download in full, 16 h 22 min.

Web links

Commons : Robert Harris (writer)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Wieland Freund : Tony Blair does not read novels. Interview with Robert Harris. In: The world . October 22, 2007.
  2. Tweet from Robert Harris on, from June 26, 2016 (English)
  3. frequent reprints. Also as Reader's Digest , "Selection Books - Bestseller Special Volume " 2006, without ISBN, and ibid. "Selection Books " 2005 ISBN 3-89915-230-1 , with two or three other bestsellers in 1 volume
  4. Alexander Hagelüken, Hannah Wilhelm: The financial markets kick us in the face. Interview with Robert Harris. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . November 8, 2011.
  5. A rotting justice system. The British writer Robert Harris on his novel "Intrige" and the topicality of the Dreyfus affair . Author talk with Joachim Scholl In: Deutschlandradio Kultur. November 12, 2013, accessed November 13, 2013.