Titan fight (film)

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Original title Titan fight
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1916
Director Joseph Delmont
script Joseph Delmont
production Joseph Delmont
camera Max Fassbender

Titanic struggle is a German science fiction - silent film drama in 1916 by Joseph Delmont with Erich Kaiser-Titz in a double role.


The scientist, researcher and food biologist Dr. Hjalmar Jörgensen has developed something revolutionary. In a time of great hunger, he created pills that can solve the nutritional problem and satiate the population. Hjalmar is not aiming to maximize profit, rather he wants this invention, with which one can produce artificial food, to come to everyone and thus solve the worldwide hunger problem.

His twin brother Olaf, whom Hjalmar took in free of charge, is exactly the opposite of him. He's only interested in how he can make a lot of money out of Hjalmar's discovery. And so he steals the pills without further ado to sell them to a large company trust. So that Hjalmar doesn't get in his way with the million dollar deal, Olaf and an accomplice keep his inventor brother captive and meanwhile slip into Hjalmar's role. But Hjalmar's fiancée Ingeborg recognizes the fraud and can prevent the worst.

Production notes

Titanenkampf passed censorship in July 1916 and premiered in December of that year. The four-stroke engine started in Austria-Hungary on August 31, 1917. There he had a play length of 1350 meters.

The subtitle of the film was: A contemporary image of life from the realm of fantastic inventions . Titan Battle was a production from the film series Puzzling People .


In Paimann's film lists you can read: "The material is fantastic, but just like the game, photos and scenery are very good."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Titan Battle in Paimann's film lists