Titular diocese of Corydala

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Corydala ( Italian : Coridala ) is a titular bishopric of the Roman Catholic Church .

It goes back to a lost bishop's seat in the ancient city of Korydala , which was in the Lycia countryside in southern Asia Minor . The bishopric was assigned to the ecclesiastical province of Myra .

Titular Bishops of Corydala
No. Surname Office from to
1 Marie-Eugène-Auguste-Charles Foulquier MEP Vicar Apostolic of Northern Burma ( Myanmar ) August 18, 1906 December 31, 1948
2 Harold William Henry SSCME Vicar Apostolic of Gwangju ( Korea ) January 26, 1957 March 10, 1962
3 Henry Joseph Thünemann OSFS Vicar Apostolic of Keimoes ( South Africa ) September 12, 1962 August 18, 1965

See also

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