Todd May

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Todd May (* 1955 in New York City ) is an American author and philosopher.


Todd May has been politically active since the 1960s and was inspired by the hope of that time. In the 1980s he was involved in the anti-nuclear movement and has since worked for LGBT rights, anti-racism and for the rights of the Palestinians .

Todd May graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 1989 and has been Professor of Philosophy at Clemson University in South Carolina since 1991 . There he is particularly concerned with contemporary continental philosophy .


Todd May counts Abbie Hoffman , Nelson Mandela , Martin Luther King , Saul Alinsky , Rosa Parks and Noam Chomsky among the authors who have influenced him. Together with Saul Newman, May is considered to be an important figure in the English-language post-anarchist discourse and, with his book The Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism (1994), he combined post-structuralist and anarchist theory for the first time . More recent works deal with Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault .

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