Toetoes Harbor

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Toetoes Harbor
Geographical location
Toetoes Harbor (New Zealand)
Toetoes Harbor
Coordinates 46 ° 34 ′  S , 168 ° 47 ′  E Coordinates: 46 ° 34 ′  S , 168 ° 47 ′  E
country New Zealand
region Southland
Sea access Foveaux Strait , Pacific Ocean
Data on the natural harbor
Port entrance 110 m wide
length around 4.0 km
width Max. 1.53 km
Coastline around 12 km
places Fortrose
Tributaries Mataura River and a few smaller streams (brooks)

Toetoes Harbor is a natural harbor in the Southland District of the Southland regionon the South Island of New Zealand .


The Toetoes Harbor is located approximately 35 km southeast of Invercargill at the south side of the South Island of New Zealand, with access to the Foveaux Strait , the strait between the South Island and Stewart Iceland . The natural harbor, which is open to the south, has a length of around 4 km, whereby the transition from the Mataura River , which mainly feeds the waters next to the Titiroa Stream , to Toetoes Harbor is flowing, which makes an exact demarcation between the river and the natural harbor difficult. At its widest point, the natural harbor measures around 5.4 km and has a total coastline of around 12 km. The port entrance measures around 110 m.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Topo250 maps . Land Information New Zealand , accessed February 1, 2018 .
  2. Coordinates and longitudes were partly made using Google Earth version on February 1st, 2018.