Tommy Ryan

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Tommy Ryan boxer
Tommy Ryan.jpg
Birth Name Joseph Youngs
Weight class medium weight
nationality US-american
birthday March 31, 1870
place of birth Redwood (New York)
Date of death August 3, 1948
Place of death Van Nuys
style Left delivery
size 1.71 m
Combat Statistics
Struggles 113
Victories 88
Knockout victories 70
Defeats 4th
draw 10
No value 11

Tommy Ryan (born March 31, 1870 in Redwood (New York) as Joseph Youngs , † August 3, 1948 in Van Nuys ) was an American boxer and trainer.


Ryan turned pro in lightweight bare knuckle boxing in 1887 .

In 1893 he began a series of five welterweight fights (plus an exhibition match) with "Mysterious" Billy Smith . The first two fights ended in a draw. The third, hero in Minneapolis, was a battle for Smith's world welterweight title. After twenty rounds the fight was stopped by the police. Ryan, who was leading on points at the time, was declared the winner and new world champion.

He beat "Nonpareil" Jack Dempsey prematurely, but then lost to his intimate enemy and ex-sparring partner Charles McCoy .

From 1898 he boxed middleweight where he also won the world title and held it until his retirement in 1907, which is a record to this day.

In 1991 Ryan was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame .

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