Van Nuys

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Van Nuys (Los Angeles Metropolitan Area)
Red pog.svg
Location in Los Angeles

Van Nuys ( Listen ? / I ) [ vænˈnaɪz ] is a neighborhood in Los Angeles in the heart of the San Fernando Valley . This district was named after its founder, the entrepreneur Isaac Newton Van Nuys . Audio file / audio sample

Van Nuys is mostly inhabited by Latinos . Nearby is the Sepulveda Dam, a dam that protects against flooding when it rains heavily and is surrounded by extensive green spaces. These serve as a recreational area and have a Japanese tea garden.

The Van Nuys Airport is only on the general aviation use. In the general aviation sector, however, it is one of the airports with the largest number of flight movements in the world.

Sons and daughters

Japanese garden

Van Nuys High School

Van Nuys High School

Van Nuys High School , which opened in 1914, had many well-known students, including a .:

In addition, some films and TV series were shot on the premises of the VNHS:


TV shows:


  • According to the storyline, Van Nuys is the home airport of "Santini Air" in the Airwolf series .
  • In Jonathan Kellerman's novel Evidence , two bodies are found in an airport hangar; the hangar is searched by the police, although it belongs to the ruler of the fictional oil state Sranil and thus a diplomatic crisis is provoked.
  • In Raymond Chandler's novel The Big Sleep (1939; German: Der Große Schlaf ) there is a “Van Nuys Hotel” in which part of the plot takes place.
  • From 1969 until the temporary closure in May 2011, Van Nuys was home to the famous Sound City recording studio , where, for example, the grunge rock band Nirvana recorded the 1991 album Nevermind . In 2013, Dave Grohl , the former drummer of Nirvana, released the documentary Sound City about the history of the recording studio as a cinematic homage . Neil Young recorded the album After the Gold Rush , Elton John recorded the album Caribou and Metallica recorded the album Death Magnetic at Sound City Studio . The Sound City Studio celebrated its reopening in spring 2017.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Van Nuys Airport - General Description
  2. ^ Aaron Curtiss, A Legend Returns to Van Nuys High: Marilyn: A photo of the star is donated to her old school and takes its place on a library wall. , Los Angeles Times of March 21, 1991.
  3. Sound City , documentary by Dave Grohl , producers: John Ramsay, James A. Rota and Dave Grohl, DVD, 108 minutes, 2013, Roswell Films + Therapy Content + Diamond Docs + RCA Records + distribution: Sony Music

Web links

Commons : Van Nuys, Los Angeles  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 34 ° 11 ′  N , 118 ° 27 ′  W