Tony Rabeson

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Tony Rabeson at the St. Ingbert Jazz Festival 2016

Tony Rabeson (* 1958 in Tananarive ) is a Malagasy jazz drummer.

Rabeson performed in Madagascar as a child with his father Jeanot Rabeson and his uncle Dédé Rabeson . He is a member of the Henri & Sébastien Texier Trio and the Baptiste Trotignon Trio (with Clovis Nicolas ). He also leads his own quartet with Dimitri Dourantonis (guitar), Olivier Bogé (soprano saxophone) and Marc Bertaux (bass). As a sideman he took u. a. with Jean Pierre Llabador , Christian Escoudé , Michel Portal and Bojan Zulfikarpašić . In 2004 Angidina was released , his first album as a band leader.


  • French Guitar Connection with Jean Pierre Llabador, 1989
  • Zool Fleischer Trios , 1989
  • Indian's Week by Henri Texier, 1993
  • Piano Quintet Suite by Junko Ōnishi , 1995
  • Christian Escoude Group Featuring Toots Thielemans , 1996
  • Musiques de Cinemas by Michel Portal, 1996
  • Mad Nomad (s) by Henri Texier, 1997
  • Koreni by Bojan Zulfikarpasic, 1998
  • Mosaic Man by Henri Texier, 1998
  • Fluide by Baptiste Trotignon, 2000
  • Sightseeing by Baptiste Trotignon, 2003
  • Angidina with Dimitri Dourantonis and Héry Chauvin , 2004

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