Torque Teno Virus

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Torque Teno Virus
Classification : Viruses
Area : unclassified
Empire : unclassified
Phylum : unclassified
Class : unclassified
Order : unclassified
Family : Anelloviridae
Genre : Alphatorque virus
Type : Torque Teno Virus 1
Taxonomic characteristics
Genome : (-) ss DNA circular
Baltimore : Group 2
Symmetry : icosahedral
Cover : no
Scientific name
Torque teno virus 1
Short name

The torque Teno virus 1 ( TTV-1 ) is a viral species of the family of Anelloviridae and type species of the genus Alpha Torque virus . It was published in 1997 by Toyohiko Nishizawa et al. discovered in the serum of a patient with post-transfusion hepatitis. Since then, the virus has been detected in numerous people, including healthy people, and also in pets. A specific disease could not be assigned to the virus either in humans or animals.

The TTV-1 is not wrapped . The genome consists of a circular single-stranded DNA with negative polarity and is 3.8 to 3.9 kilobases in length.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Statements of the ZKBS on the Torque Teno virus (2007)
  2. PMC 4678778 (free full text)
  3. a b ViralZone: Anelloviridae . ExPASy. Retrieved September 1, 2019.