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Basic data

Maintainer Sven Strickroth
developer TortoiseGit team
Publishing year 2008
Current  version 2.10.0
(March 1, 2020)
operating system Windows
programming language C ++
category Version management
License GPL ( Free Software )
German speaking Yes

TortoiseGit is a free graphical user interface for the version control software Git under Windows . It is under the GNU General Public License .

TortoiseGit is implemented as a shell extension, it is integrated into Windows Explorer and can therefore be used independently of an integrated development environment . It offers overlay icons in the Explorer that show the status (e.g. versioned, unchanged, modified, ignored) of the files integrated in the existing icons. The main interaction takes place via the context menu , through which various actions such as commit , push or pull can be carried out and TortoiseGit dialogs can be opened.

The core tasks of the software are version, revision and source control. TortoiseGit is technically based on TortoiseSVN and has been expanded to include Git-specific aspects.

The requirement for using TortoiseGit is an installed command line git such as B. Git for Windows, GitHub for Windows, Cygwin -Git or MSYS2 -Git.

Related tools

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Curriculum Vitae. In: University of Potsdam . Retrieved January 27, 2017 .
  2. ^ Profile of Sven Strickroth (MrTux). In: SourceForge . Retrieved January 27, 2017 (English).
  3. MrTux: TortoiseGit requires a command-line git.exe. In: Stack Overflow . October 1, 2016, accessed January 27, 2017 .