Traugott Wilhelm le Petit

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Traugott Wilhelm le Petit (born July 24, 1748 in Eisleben ; † February 24, 1800 there ) was a German lawyer .

He was the son of the mine auditor and controller Heinrich Wilhelm le Petit, attended high school in Eisleben and studied law at the University of Leipzig from 1765 . After completing his academic career, he became court advocate in 1772 and later town clerk in Eisleben.

As a man of thorough knowledge in his field he showed himself in a few small writings and treatises:

  • De origine, fatis et progressu curiarum provincialium , Leipzig 1769
  • Epistola, in qua asseritur, latrocinium inter gentes figmentum esse , Leipzig 1770
  • Dissertatio epistolica, qua continetur historia jurium comitum Imperii SRG sub regibus Francorum stirpis Merovingicae , Leipzig 1770
  • De origine juris hereditarii comitum Imperii SRG in comitatibus et inde pendente origine cognominum eorum, seu nominum gentilitiorum , Leipzig 1771

Le Petit Gellert published friendly letters anonymously (Leipzig 1770).
