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Domain : Eukaryotes (eukaryota)
without rank: Amorphea
without rank: Amoebozoa
without rank: Tubulinea
without rank: Euamoebida
Genre : Trichamoeba
Scientific name
Fromentel , 1874

Trichamoeba is a genus of amoeba from the group of Euamoebida . Their species are found free-living both in fresh waters and in the sea.


Trichamoeba species are narrow to thick, can actively move and are then monopodial (i.e. they only form a pseudopodium ). Flowing cells form radial pseudopodia. Your movements are usually even.

The cells are typically between 75 and 250 micrometers long. The glycocalyx is clearly visible. The nucleus is egg-shaped. The cytoplasm often contains bipyramidal crystals. The bulbose UROID is hairy smooth or short, sometimes with fine threads.

Types (selection)


Footnotes directly behind a statement cover the individual statement, footnotes directly behind a punctuation mark the entire preceding sentence. Footnotes after a space refer to the entire preceding paragraph.

  1. ^ A b c Andrew Rogerson, David J. Patterson: The Naked Ramicristate Amoebae , In: John J. Lee, GF Leedale, P. Bradbury (Eds.): An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa . tape 2 . Allen, Lawrence 2000, ISBN 1-891276-23-9 , pp. 1026, 1040 .