Trumpler 2

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Open star cluster
Trumpler 2
Trumpler 2
Trumpler 2
Constellation Perseus
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 02 h 36.9 m
declination + 55 ° 55 ′

Brightness  (visual) 5.9 likes
Angular expansion 20 '
Number of stars about 150
Brightest star HD  16068, 7.4 mag
Physical data

Affiliation Milky Way
Catalog names
 C 0233 + 557 • OCl 365 •  Cr  29 • Lund 88 •

Trumpler 2 (abbreviated Tr 2 ) is an open star cluster in the constellation Perseus about 2000 light years away from Earth. It has a magnitude of 5.9 mag, a diameter of 20 arc minutes and, according to recent studies, comprises around 150 stars, the brightest of them reaching 7.4 mag. Trumpler 2 is 1.9 ° west of the star η Persei when viewed from Earth .