Truus van Aalten

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Truus van Aalten, photograph (around 1929) by Alexander Binder
Truus van Aalten, photography by Alexander Binder
Truus van Aalten with other women, photography by Alexander Binder

Truus van Aalten (born August 2, 1910 in Arnhem , † June 27, 1999 in Warmond ; real name Geertruida Everdina Wilhelmina van Aalten ) was a Dutch actress . She was one of the most popular actresses in German film in the 1920s and 1930s .


Van Aalten was born the daughter of a chemist. After completing school, she first worked as a hat maker and later began training as a saleswoman at the Peek & Cloppenburg fashion house in Amsterdam .

Van Aalten came to Berlin in 1926 as the winner of an international tender from Berlin's UFA , which had to cast seven young female roles for the feature film The Seven Daughters of Mrs. Gyurkovics . After filming was completed, she decided to stay in the German capital and received a one and a half year contract from UFA.


Thanks to her humorous talent, van Aalten quickly became a favorite of the public. She also made the transition from silent films to talkies despite her foreign origins. Only with the assumption of power by the Nazis , it was difficult for them to get exposure. In addition, she slowly outgrew the role of the funny girl . In 1934, the film G'schichten aus dem Wienerwald was made in Austria under the direction of Georg Jacoby . In the same year she played the main role in her home country in the film Het Meisje met den blauwen hoed , her only role in her mother tongue. There were no further offers of roles. It was only during a vacation with friends in Berlin that she was offered a small role in Fritz Peter Buch's A Whole Guy . This was her last film.

In the autumn of 1940 van Aalten returned to the German-occupied Netherlands. After the war she tried to continue her film career in her home country and in neighboring Great Britain , but without success. As a result, she founded a successful company for the import and export of souvenir items in Voorhout in 1954 . Ten years later she married.

Truus van Aalten died on June 27, 1999 at the age of 88 in a psychiatric clinic in Warmond, where she had spent the last two years of her life in a state of mental derangement.


Silent films

Sound films


Web links

Commons : Truus van Aalten  - Collection of images, videos and audio files