Tsheten Shabdrung Rinpoche

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Tibetan name
Tibetan script :
ཚེ་ ཏན་ ཞབས་ དྲུང
Wylie transliteration :
tshe tan zhabs drung rin po che
Chinese name
Simplified :
才 旦 夏 茸 活佛
Pinyin :
Caidan Xiarong huofo

Tsheten Shabdrung Rinpoche ( Tib. Tshe tan zhabs drung rin po che ) of the title is a line holder of the Gelug -tradition of Tibetan Buddhism from 1623 founded Tsheten Monastery ( Tib. Tshe tan dgon pa ) in Amdo . The monastery is located in the municipality (Ch.) Xing'er Tibetan Autonomous circle Minhe the Hui and Tu of Haidong in the Chinese province of Qinghai .

The 1st (or 2nd) Tsheten Shabdrung Rinpoche Jamyang Dragpa was a student of the 1st Tsheten abbot ( Khenpo ) Pelden Gyatsho.

A famous representative is the 5th (or 6th) Tsheten Shabdrung, the Tibetologist Jigme Rigpe Lodrö ( Tshe tan Zhabs drung 'Jigs med Rig pa'i Blo gros ; 1910–1985).

List of Tsheten Shabdrung Rinpoches

Counting according to the Zangzu da cidian

# Surname Transcription after Wylie / Tib. Life dates
1 (2) Jamyang Dragpa 'jam dbyangs grags pa
2 (3) Lobsang Rabsel just bzang rab gsal
3 (4) Jigme Thubten Norbu 'jigs med thub stan nor bu 1804-1862
4 (5) Jigme Thubten Gyatsho 'jigs med thub stan rgya mtsho 1863-1909
5 (6) Jigme Rigpe Lodrö 'jigs med rig pa'i blo gros 1910-1985

See also


  • Zangzu da cidian . Lanzhou 2003

References and footnotes

  1. Chinese Caidan Xiarong huofo 才 旦 夏 茸 活佛
  2. Chinese Caidan si 才 旦 寺
  3. Chinese 杏儿 藏族 乡
  4. As with many other incarnation series, there are also different counts here.
  5. Chinese Marecang Jiayang Zhaba 玛 热 仓 加 央 扎巴
  6. Chinese Caidan Kanbu 才 旦 堪布
  7. Chinese Huadan Jiacuo 华 旦 嘉措
  8. After the Zangzu da cidian he is the 5th representative in the series, no longer available after the page , search in web archives: tarthang.com the 6th@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.tarthang.com
  9. Chinese Caidan Xiarong Jinmei Roubai Luozhe 才 旦 夏 茸 • 晋 美 柔白 罗哲 u. a.
  10. Chinese Marecang Jiayang Zhaba 玛 热 仓 加 央 扎巴
  11. Chinese Luosang Resai 罗桑 热 赛
  12. Chinese Jiumei Tudeng Nuorbu 晋 美 图登诺尔布
  13. Chinese Jiumei Tudeng Jiacuo 晋 美 图登嘉 措
  14. Chinese Jiumei Roubei Luozhe 晋 美 柔 贝罗哲
Tsheten Shabdrung Rinpoche (alternative names of the lemma)
Caidan Xiarong huofo 才 旦 夏 茸 活佛, Caidan Xiarong Rinboqie 才 旦 夏 茸 仁波切, Tseten Shabdrung, Tseten Zhabdrung