Tsheten Monastery

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Tibetan name
Wylie transliteration :
tshe tan dgon; tshe tan dgon pa; tshe tan dgon dga 'ldan bshad sgrub gling dgon
Other spellings:
Tseten Monastery, Tsheten Gompa, Tseten Gön, Tsheten Gön, Tseten Gön Ganden Shedrup Ling
Chinese name
Simplified :
才 旦 寺, 杏儿 沟 寺, 杏儿 寺
Pinyin :
Caidan si

The Tsheten Monastery ( Tib. Tshe tan dgon pa ) or Tsheten Gon Ganden Shedrubling ( tshe tan dgon dga 'ldan bshad sgrub gling ) is a monastery of the Gelugpa -School of Tibetan Buddhism in Amdo . It is located in the municipality (Ch.) Xing'er Tibetan Autonomous circle Minhe the Hui and Tu of Haidong in the Chinese province of Qinghai . The monastery was founded in 1623 . It is the seat of the Tsheten Shabdrung ( tshe tan zhabs drung ) - lineage of incarnation . A famous representative is the 5th or 6th Tsheten Shabdrung Jigme Rigpe Lodrö ( Tshe tan Zhabs drung 'Jigs med Rig pa'i Blo gros ; 1910–1985).


  • Zangzu da cidian . Lanzhou 2003

References and comments

  1. Chinese Caidan si 才 旦 寺, also: Xing'ergou si 杏儿 沟 寺 or Xing'er si 杏儿 寺
  2. Chinese 杏儿 藏族 乡
  3. Chinese Caidan Xiarong Jinmei Roubai Luozhe 才 旦 夏 茸 • 晋 美 柔白 罗哲
  4. cf. Short biographies at tibetanlineages.org ( Memento from February 4, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), page no longer available , search in web archives: tarthang.com , tibetology.ac.cn ( Memento from November 10, 2010 in the Internet Archive ), xz.people .com.cn and indiana.edu: A Tibetan Buddhist Teacher in Modern China: In Pursuit of Tshe tan Zhabs drung in Greater Tibet ( Memento from December 7, 2008 in the Internet Archive )@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.tarthang.com
Tsheten Monastery (alternative names of the lemma)
Tsheten Gompa; Tseten Gonpa, tshe tan dgon; tshe tan dgon dga 'ldan bshad sgrub gling; Caidan si 才 旦 寺, Xing'ergou si 杏儿 沟 寺, Xing'er si 杏儿 寺, Tseten Gön Ganden Shedrup Ling

Coordinates: 35 ° 55 ′ 5.6 ″  N , 102 ° 46 ′ 37.2 ″  E