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Tudschībiden in the literature ( Tuǧībiden , Tugibiden , Tudschibiden or Tujîbiden , Arabic بنو تُجيب, DMG Banū Tuǧīb , Spanish tuyibíes ) were an Arab family that played an important role as a regional dynasty in al-Andalus during the time of the emirate and caliphate of the Spanish Umayyads and during the Taifa kingdoms .


The family is counted among the southern Arabs and probably originated in Yemen .

Establishment in northern Spain

As early as the 8th century, members of the family played an important political role in the Upper Mark in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula . In this border region to the Christian princes, the rulers from Córdoba only rarely managed to assert their influence, so that the governors there often strived for far-reaching autonomy and wanted to strengthen their position in order to establish a local dynasty .

During his rule, the Umayyad emir Muhammad I tried to break the dominance of influential Muwallads in the region and replace them with Arabs. In this context, the Tudschībids controlled the area around Daroca and Calatayud on behalf of the Umayyads from 872 and were finally able to assert themselves against other local rulers in 886 as governors of Saragossa .

Abd ar-Rahman III. tried by campaigns in the years 935 and 937 to bind the region more closely to the central power in Cordoba . The Tujībid rulers in Daroca and Calatayud who opposed him were executed while Muhammad ibn Hashim (Muhammad Ibn Ḥāšim) submitted in Saragossa. However, after the caliph had seen the failure of his efforts, he tried to find a compromise with the local dynasties, which secured the Tudschībids their power.

Gold dinar from the reign of Yahya al-Muzaffar

Towards the end of the Umayyad Caliphate, the Tudschībids were finally able to establish their own Taifa rule in Saragossa and even had their own coins minted, although they nominally recognized the authority of the Umayyads or the Amirids .


In 1038 the last ruler of the Tudjībids was finally defeated by the Berber dynasty of the Hudids and driven out of Zaragoza, whereupon they took power there.

Ruler of the Tujibids

In the Taifa of Saragossa , the Tudschībids had four rulers (emirs) within 25 years:
