UN special envoy for East Timor

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Sérgio Vieira de Mello, 2002

The UN Special Representative for East Timor ( English Special Representative of the Secretary-General for East Timor ) forwarded the Mission United Nations in East Timor .

The first holder of this office was the Briton Ian Martin between May and November 1999. As head of UNAMET, he was supposed to implement the independence referendum in East Timor in 1999 , which, however, led to a final wave of violence by the Indonesian occupation. From September 20th, INTERFET troops landed in East Timor to restore order and peace in the country. The country came under UN administration. On November 17, 1999, the Brazilian took over Sérgio Vieira de Mello , who also headed UNTAET between 1999 and 2002 and led the country to independence from Indonesia . Mello's successor for UNMISET between 2002 and 2004 was Kamalesh Sharma from India .

Under the Japanese Sukehiro Hasegawa (2004 to 2006) the UN mission (now UNOTIL ) in the country was supposed to end, but then civil unrest broke out. The UNOTIL was transformed into the UNMIT . At the end of 2006, the Indian Atul Khare took over the post of the UN special envoy, who led it until the end of 2009. He was followed as the first woman by Ameerah Haq from Bangladesh . In June 2012, the Dane Finn Reske-Nielsen finally took over . The UN mission in East Timor ended on December 31, 2013.